Why do liberals love Islam?

Why do liberals love Islam?

  • Liberals are retarded

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Liberals have a death wish

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Liberals believe that Muslims won't kill them

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Liberals are stupid

    Votes: 3 50.0%

  • Total voters


Oderint dum metuant

  • Homosexuality is prohibited by Islam, and is punished by death in many Muslim shitholes
  • Women are second-class citizens under Islam, and are oppressed in many Muslim shitholes
  • Democracy, tolerance and freedom of speech are not practiced by many Muslims

So why do liberals love Islam...alone of all the religions of the world?

  • Homosexuality is prohibited by Islam, and is punished by death in many Muslim shitholes
  • Women are second-class citizens under Islam, and are oppressed in many Muslim shitholes
  • Democracy, tolerance and freedom of speech are not practiced by many Muslims

So why do liberals love Islam...alone of all the religions of the world?
Typical strawman. Liberals love the 1st Amendment, which you appear to hate.

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all islamists are foreign domestic enemies of the people and government of this land. DEATHTOTHEDEEPSTATE ! I literally intend to express the opinion that barack, Hillary, brennan, clapper, comey and at least ten thousand deepstate vermin pissons which I have scheduled for execution. I expect my public servants to carry out my will; as I am their boss. the Clintons, etc. should have never produced sept. 1 2001. they had a long run. if man does not judge these bastards; they will be rewarded for their decades of hard work. https://www.bing.com/search?q=run+o...s=n&sk=&cvid=de0828226d3c4053991ffd75ea104bc8

OK Gomie. BTW would you please tell rjhenn he is not allowed to participate in this thread? Thanks.
he knows not what he does. he seems to not know even who he is, where he is at and the gravity of the hour.

OK, Gomie. Just tell rjhenn he is not allowed to participate in this thread, please. That way he can't claim he didn't see the threadban or the notification from me - he will have to claim he has you on ignore, too.
fuck him. he is a zombie. this is as a zombie apocalypse: Trump is president. since then a bunch of damned castaways ["amazonerds"] showed up and have made this a shithole of delusion since then. this is a zombie apocalypse and all these assholes are BZA army [ Barack's Zombie Apocalypse army] enemy combatants. they had 8 years to dig in. it is time for these enemy combatants to surrender/ repent or be decapitated. they are extremely annoying.

OK Gomie.
The liberal adulation of Islam makes no sense whatsoever.

Liberalism is generally hostile to anyone who has strong religious convictions that conflict with liberal "principles." This describes every devout Muslim on the planet.

Islam treats women like property.

In many parts of the Islamic world, women are forced to wear burkas or veils, are given clitoridectomies to take the pleasure out of sex for them. Women can’t leave the house or drive without a male relative's permission and may be raped or beaten with impunity.

In the Islamic world innocent women and children are considered fair game and terrorists who murder them are considered to be heroes.

There are a number of Islamic countries where being gay is a crime with jail or even death as the penalty.

How can liberals continue to turn a blind eye to all of this?

Only if it's Muslim theocracy, apparently.

because the west has gotten their historic forms of theocracy under control, in a general sense, though the catholic church should be disbanded for raqueteering, and child sex trafficking.

the left wants to import ignorance and slaves to get back to the dark age mentality they prefer.
It seems so. Do they realize they would be enslaved or killed by the Muslims they seem to prefer?

most of them are miseducated, ignorant and stupid, and are easily misled by bad actors in positions of authority. or they know all this and believe the assinine luciferian balance doctrine: that evil and good must balance. but we all know 50% is a failing grade.
most of them are miseducated, ignorant and stupid, and are easily misled by bad actors in positions of authority. or they know all this and believe the assinine luciferian balance doctrine: that evil and good must balance. but we all know 50% is a failing grade.

Yet I don't see any ban list on the thread.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Yet there is one, and you're on it. You've been told that multiple times.

You are not allowed to participate in a thread you are banned from. Stop posting in this one.
Yet I don't see any ban list on the thread.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

you've already been told not to post in this thread, both by OP and a mod. and you can't lie this time like last time saying you didn't see any of our messages.

I try not to make too big of a deal out of threadbans, but you are clearly trying to get around the rules at this point. Post in this thread again and you'll be banned
This writer has an interesting insight, IMO:

It has to do with the liberal emphasis on “indiscriminateness.”

They were raised to believe that indiscriminateness is a moral imperative. That the only way to be moral is to not discriminate between right and wrong, good and evil, better and worse, truth and lies because your act of discrimination – discriminating between these things might just be a reflection of your personal discrimination, your bigotries.

They were raised to believe that indiscriminateness is a moral imperative because its opposite is the evil of having discriminated. The second bullet point, and this is an essential corollary, is that indiscriminateness of thought does not lead to indiscriminateness of policy. It leads the modern liberal to invariably side with evil over good, wrong over right and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success. Why? Very simply if nothing is to be recognized as better or worse than anything else then success is de facto unjust.

There is no explanation for success if nothing is better than anything else and the greater the success the greater the injustice. Conversely and for the same reason, failure is de facto proof of victimization and the greater the failure, the greater the proof of the victim is, or the greater the victimization.

Once you understand this facet of liberal thinking, many of the illogical things that liberals believe make more sense.
