Why do Trump cultists rah-rah for Russia?

Trump hailed Putin’s move on Ukraine as “genius” before he saw which way the wind was blowing and hastily scrambled back on the fence. Most of his followers didn’t even do that.

It’s hard to fathom how their minds work, but here are some possible reasons:

They see Putin as a fellow conservative who ticks all the right boxes. What’s not to like?

They believe that America and the west is run by “woke” liberal elites, so they support anything anti-western.

Liberating former colonial possessions from nazi leftists isn’t imperialism.

Putin’s stooge was kicked out in 2014, and two presidential elections since then don’t count.

Something else?
Trump boot-lickers have been screaming for Ukraine to surrender their country to Vladimir Putin since day one of the invasion

That's incorrect on two fronts. First im no trump boot licker and I'm not addicted to trump porn. Second I have repeatedly said on this site that the best possible outcome would be that they destroy each other.
Because Trump was a Putin enabler and protector. Trump loves dictators and wants to be like them. He was learning at Putin's knee for 4 years.