Why does Obama "resonate with so many voters"?


New member
Apparently this reporter has concluded that Barack Obama resonates with so many voters because... well, because he resonates with so many voters.

And you heard it here first. :shock:



from "Best of the Web"
by James Taranto

Obama as Inkblot

"If you're wondering why Sen. Barack Obama's message of hope has resonated with so many voters across the country," proclaims Mary Mitchell, a columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times, "consider the shooting rampage at Northern Illinois University."

If you think Mitchell means that Obama has promising and innovative ideas for policies on firearms or the mentally ill--well, need we say more? No, here is how, according to Mary Mitchell, Obama is going to prevent more shooting rampages:

*** QUOTE ***

We are living at a time when depression seems to be as common as a cold or flu. Yet what is depression but an impenetrable cloud of hopelessness? . . .

If these hopeless people were easier to spot, we could devise better ways to protect ourselves. But they are not. . . .

Obama's ability to inspire people--in urban areas as well as in rural towns--is a gift the country needs.

Young people are killing each other in the ghettos as well as in our nation's universities. So it's not just drug wars or street gangs driving the violence.

But while young people are dying as martyrs, adults with the power to make a difference are still arguing over the merits of gun control.

Obama is surging ahead because a lot of people are tired of believing they are powerless to heal an ailing nation.

*** END QUOTE ***

Obama, in other words, makes people feel good about themselves. Mitchell seems inclined to believe--she doesn't really say it, but then she doesn't really say much in this frustratingly elliptical column--that a President Obama would make would-be mass murderers feel good about themselves and thereby dissuade them from horrific acts. This seems naive to say the least.
Why does Obama "resonate with so many voters"?

Because the guy you voted for twice because he seemed like he’d be cool to have a beer with, blundered us into an unnecessary war at the cost of hundreds of thousands of dead and a trillion taxpayer dollars; turned a projected record surplus into a record, crushing deficit; presided over an economy that doesn’t work for the middle class; and generally now is known as an incompetent, dishonest liar.

Obama is perceived to be offering an alternative to the incompetence and destruction that the guy you voted for twice, wreaked on this nation. He seems to be offering the most compelling way to run away – as fast as possible – from the policies and president you voted for twice. And by any measure, Obama is more substantive and articulate than the shallow boob you voted for in 2000.

McCain seems like more of the same. More Bush policies, and a third Bush term. Good luck with that.
One standard "It's Bush's fault" response. Anyone else?

The original reporter's complete lack of any substantive Obama contribution to solving the school-shooting-rampage problem, combined with her firm opinion that Obama IS offering something substantive, pretty much defines today's mental process that supports Obama. Accomplishments mean nothing, philosophy means nothing, even plans mean nothing. Soaring rhetoric is now all anyone needs to become President.

And this from people who said that Ronald Reagan was nothing but fancy packaging, smooth talk, and media hype. Only in his case, they meant it in a BAD way.
One standard "It's Bush's fault" response. Anyone else?

The original reporter's complete lack of any substantive Obama contribution to solving the school-shooting-rampage problem, combined with her firm opinion that Obama IS offering something substantive, pretty much defines today's mental process that supports Obama. Accomplishments mean nothing, philosophy means nothing, even plans mean nothing. Soaring rhetoric is now all anyone needs to become President.

And this from people who said that Ronald Reagan was nothing but fancy packaging, smooth talk, and media hype. Only in his case, they meant it in a BAD way.

I think people are just tired of being shamed for not supporting the Zionist War Machine with sufficient zeal.
Apparently this reporter has concluded that Barack Obama resonates with so many voters because... well, because he resonates with so many voters.

And you heard it here first. :shock:



from "Best of the Web"
by James Taranto

Obama as Inkblot

"If you're wondering why Sen. Barack Obama's message of hope has resonated with so many voters across the country," proclaims Mary Mitchell, a columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times, "consider the shooting rampage at Northern Illinois University."

If you think Mitchell means that Obama has promising and innovative ideas for policies on firearms or the mentally ill--well, need we say more? No, here is how, according to Mary Mitchell, Obama is going to prevent more shooting rampages:

*** QUOTE ***

We are living at a time when depression seems to be as common as a cold or flu. Yet what is depression but an impenetrable cloud of hopelessness? . . .

If these hopeless people were easier to spot, we could devise better ways to protect ourselves. But they are not. . . .

Obama's ability to inspire people--in urban areas as well as in rural towns--is a gift the country needs.

Young people are killing each other in the ghettos as well as in our nation's universities. So it's not just drug wars or street gangs driving the violence.

But while young people are dying as martyrs, adults with the power to make a difference are still arguing over the merits of gun control.

Obama is surging ahead because a lot of people are tired of believing they are powerless to heal an ailing nation.

*** END QUOTE ***

Obama, in other words, makes people feel good about themselves. Mitchell seems inclined to believe--she doesn't really say it, but then she doesn't really say much in this frustratingly elliptical column--that a President Obama would make would-be mass murderers feel good about themselves and thereby dissuade them from horrific acts. This seems naive to say the least.

Murderer's are made, not born. Common sense tells you that. Just look at the US murder rate compared to other nations - the US conservative apathethic society breeds violent people, but by getting rid of our conservatives we can save the nation. People will become good citizens instead of being persuaded by conservative violent philosophy to become murderers.
"resonates with so many voters because... well, because he resonates with so many voters."

It's EXACTLY like bible thumpers saying they know the bible is true because the bible says it's true.

“People are by nature changeable. It is easy to persuade them about some particular matter, but it is hard to hold them to that persuasion.”
He appears to be level headed, kind spirited,very intelligent,cares about America and Americans and does not spew hate.

There has been so much hate and fear spewed in the last decade that Americans just cnat take it any more. We are refusing the hate and fear. We have had it up to our eyeballs. Get it !

No more Fear and Hate!

Spew it and you will be sidelined.

He appears to be level headed, kind spirited,very intelligent,cares about America and Americans and does not spew hate.

There has been so much hate and fear spewed in the last decade that Americans just cnat take it any more. We are refusing the hate and fear. We have had it up to our eyeballs. Get it !

No more Fear and Hate!

Spew it and you will be sidelined.


so you support Caesar Chavez...that line was stolen from his veggie pickers union speech a few decades ago...just a little tidbit from history 101!:cof1:
so you support Caesar Chavez...that line was stolen from his veggie pickers union speech a few decades ago...just a little tidbit from history 101!:cof1:

Yeah, because Obama would need to troll through decades old videos of Chavez to be able to come up with something brilliant and original like "Yes we can."
He appears to be level headed, kind spirited,very intelligent,cares about America and Americans and does not spew hate.
In other words, he's got the saame qualifications to be President as James T. Kirk, Kaptain Kangaroo, Mr. Rogers, and Barney the Purple Dinosaur have.

An EXCELLENT recommendation. (Not!)

Same thing was the rallying cry of the millions of Mexican citizens who broke our laws, entered our country illegally, and then tried to intimidate and humiliate us into not enforcing our own laws. They said it in Spanish (Si se puede), but it had the same pointless, nonsensical timber then as it does now.
Murderer's are made, not born. Common sense tells you that. Just look at the US murder rate compared to other nations - the US conservative apathethic society breeds violent people, but by getting rid of our conservatives we can save the nation. People will become good citizens instead of being persuaded by conservative violent philosophy to become murderers.
Yeah, as soon as they learn to worship and abide by the rule of Big Brother, and that the source of all things good is the government, there will be peace on Earth and all the planets will align.
In other words, he's got the saame qualifications to be President as James T. Kirk, Kaptain Kangaroo, Mr. Rogers, and Barney the Purple Dinosaur have.

An EXCELLENT recommendation. (Not!)

Same thing was the rallying cry of the millions of Mexican citizens who broke our laws, entered our country illegally, and then tried to intimidate and humiliate us into not enforcing our own laws. They said it in Spanish (Si se puede), but it had the same pointless, nonsensical timber then as it does now.

We are refusing the hate and fear. We have had it up to our eyeballs. Get it !

No more Fear and Hate!

Spew it and you will be sidelined.


BTW you complete fool Chavez was anti illegal immigration.

The UFW during Chávez's tenure was committed to restricting immigration. César Chávez and Dolores Huerta fought the Bracero Program that existed from 1942 to 1964. Their opposition stemmed from their belief that the program undermined U.S. workers and exploited the migrant workers.
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He did not.............

Yeah, because Obama would need to troll through decades old videos of Chavez to be able to come up with something brilliant and original like "Yes we can."

However his friend the Gov...did and gave the line to Barack...anymore silly nonsense waterbaby?
We are refusing the hate and fear. We have had it up to our eyeballs. Get it !

No more Fear and Hate!

Spew it and you will be sidelined.


BTW you complete fool Chavez was anti illegal immigration.

The UFW during Chávez's tenure was committed to restricting immigration. César Chávez and Dolores Huerta fought the Bracero Program that existed from 1942 to 1964. Their opposition stemmed from their belief that the program undermined U.S. workers and exploited the migrant workers.

No you won't...socialism and Sharia Law will not replace our system in your lifetime...or anytime in the forseable future!:shock:
He appears to be level headed, kind spirited,very intelligent,cares about America and Americans and does not spew hate.

There has been so much hate and fear spewed in the last decade that Americans just cnat take it any more. We are refusing the hate and fear. We have had it up to our eyeballs. Get it !

No more Fear and Hate!

Spew it and you will be sidelined.


Actually, what dumb democrats like you don't understand is that you too campaign based on fear, just a different kind.

Republicans use the fear of foreigners, you use the fear of economic insecurity, the fear of those that may DIE if they don't have expanded medical insurance, the fear that ABORTION may be banned, the fear of TOO MANY GUNS... I can go on and on, you are just afraid about different things. Know where you stand.
Actually, what dumb democrats like you don't understand is that you too campaign based on fear, just a different kind.

Republicans use the fear of foreigners, you use the fear of economic insecurity, the fear of those that may DIE if they don't have expanded medical insurance, the fear that ABORTION may be banned, the fear of TOO MANY GUNS... I can go on and on, you are just afraid about different things. Know where you stand.

The fact is, it's going to take the righties 20 years to realized that. We've got a pretty good fallacious argument for the ignorant masses, and most of the conservative ignorant and fallacious arguments are dried, dead, and beaten like a dead horse. The person who wins is the one who can be the most irrational while getting away with it.


Didn't I start up with all this fear stuff like 2 years ago? I should sue the dims for plagarism.
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Obama's stances on the issues:

Economy: Change (over cash)
War on Terror: Change
Energy: Change
Rogue States: Change
Change: More Change
All other issues: Change
In other words, he's got the saame qualifications to be President as James T. Kirk, Kaptain Kangaroo, Mr. Rogers, and Barney the Purple Dinosaur have.

An EXCELLENT recommendation. (Not!)

Same thing was the rallying cry of the millions of Mexican citizens who broke our laws, entered our country illegally, and then tried to intimidate and humiliate us into not enforcing our own laws. They said it in Spanish (Si se puede), but it had the same pointless, nonsensical timber then as it does now.

Oh I wouldn't go there if i was you. You really want to compare curriculum vitae of Obama vs Bush? Hmmmmmmm That might be interesting.