? why does zogby show Mccin lead


Abreast of the situations
I was looking at the latest zogby poll an it showed McCain with a lead but then When i look at real clear politics its an absolute blow out. Is that just miss information?
One is adjusted for the apparently mistaken assumption that "more young people than ever" will be voting this year. Early voting rates show no such increase in young people voting.

/Channeling R Pundit
Because Hannity's daily drumbeat of "Ayers, Ayers, Ayers" is finally starting to sink in?

This was a 1 day snapshot, and not part of their 3-day rolling avg. McCain won the day by a point. Zogby said it's not significant unless tonight's poll keeps up the trend.
lol come on how does someone not want to see watermark stabbing the ground or shooting a tree?