Why have I not been hearing any talk of voting out incumbent lifers in congress?

Because most Americans are stupid enough to believe that the President runs the economy.

Translation: Most conservatives are stupid enough to believe that the President runs the economy.
Term Limits!

If you want real change, you got to get rid of all career politicians in both parties! Then you need to install term limits, as in two terms and out! Half of the lawmakers in congress, that's the house and the senate are millionaires?!! A millionaire lawmaker, does not have the best interest of the common man in mind! They past laws to hurt him and to help the rich!

I'm in California and I've heard many stories about the tea party trying to take out Dick Luger in an Indiana primary. In the House a Democrat is primary challenging 40 year incumbent Pete Stark. Sounds like you aren't paying much attention to what you complain about.
I'm in California and I've heard many stories about the tea party trying to take out Dick Luger in an Indiana primary. In the House a Democrat is primary challenging 40 year incumbent Pete Stark. Sounds like you aren't paying much attention to what you complain about.
What disturbs me about that is that primaries have become the actual election and the problem with that is it gaurentees that one entrenched party member will be replaced by another and that it's driving the parties to the extreme, particularly the GOP. An intransigent minority in the GOP have been affectively crippling our government in the name of ideological extremism.
In Michigan we have Levin and Stabinow....Levin isn't up this year, Hoekstra (former representative) is challenging Stabinow.....I believe Stabinow has been in two terms, Levin is a lifer....
What disturbs me about that is that primaries have become the actual election and the problem with that is it gaurentees that one entrenched party member will be replaced by another and that it's driving the parties to the extreme, particularly the GOP. An intransigent minority in the GOP have been affectively crippling our government in the name of ideological extremism.

The tea party put up two Senate candidates in Nevada and where ever that don't masturbate woman was from in 2010 for seats that the GOP had a good shot at winning where they ended up losing. Luger was pretty much a shoo-in for re-election in Indiana if he had been the nominee and now it could be considered close to being a toss up seat.
If you want real change, you got to get rid of all career politicians in both parties! Then you need to install term limits, as in two terms and out! Half of the lawmakers in congress, that's the house and the senate are millionaires?!! A millionaire lawmaker, does not have the best interest of the common man in mind! They past laws to hurt him and to help the rich!


Ken and I AGREE? What the fuck?
The Congress SHOULD control the purse strings, but for the last several years, they have effectively abdicated that responsibility to the Executive Office by not passing a budget.

The Continuing Resolution allows the Executive Office to manage the purse strings by how it appoints officials to positions of control either in the heads of Govt. Agencies like NASA, DOJ, DHS, and the FCC, or thru the frightening new reliance on American CZARS.

Given the job the current administration has done in being equitable, reasonable and restrained in Federal Deficit spending, changing administrations would go a long ways toward getting rid of those who have brought use the last four disastrous years.

That is not to say that I’d be opposed to voting out everyone who has been in office more than two years.

Yes, I've read the critical history of life under communist rule.

Try "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


"Real American Hero" which is semi-autobiographical about Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25 pilot who defected and flew into Japan.

There are also a number of heart wrenching stories about the atrosities of the Pol Pot Killing Fields or the brutal use of starvation and forced labor under Chainman Mao's "Great Leap Forward".

Anyone who understands the true critical history of communism will be very concerned about America's sudden embrace of Socialist(lite - so far) Authoritarianism in the Obama Era Politics.

I prefer to have our country led directly by ELECTED officials that I can hold accountable every few years. We don't need or want Czars.
Yes...Anyone who understands the true critical history of communism will be very concerned about America's sudden embrace of Socialist(lite - so far) Authoritarianism in the Obama Era Politics.
I prefer to have our country led directly by ELECTED officials that I can hold accountable every few years. We don't need or want Czars.

Face your fears.

Name these "Czar" boogeymen who frighten you.