Why I am ultimately Pro-Choice


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The reason is quite simple.

If I were to get a woman pregnant, I would want her to insta-get an abortion. I don't care if super science came out and proved it was a baby capable of physics in the womb. Throw that baby into a blender.

The more abortion is accepted and not stigmatized, the more I can not have to worry about girls with baby fever poking holes in my condoms and dooming me for life.
That makes no sense, a girl who wanted to doom you for life could simply say no and make you pay for that baby regardless.
While I am pro-choice as far as the law is concerned, it is my personal belief that abortion is immoral. Yet, I have also considered how I'd react if I were to get a woman pregnant. Since I am personally opposed to abortion, it would be hypocritical to insist that she has an abortion; but at the same time, my worst nightmare is having to support a child for eighteen years and being chained to his/her whore mother during that time. I'd probably just commit suicide. 0_o
I see if as a kind of win win either way.....

I wouldn't want KoNames genes continuing to be spread around
and in koGods case, its lose one, get a new one.....no damage done....:good4u::rofl:
While I am pro-choice as far as the law is concerned, it is my personal belief that abortion is immoral. Yet, I have also considered how I'd react if I were to get a woman pregnant. Since I am personally opposed to abortion, it would be hypocritical to insist that she has an abortion; but at the same time, my worst nightmare is having to support a child for eighteen years and being chained to his/her whore mother during that time. I'd probably just commit suicide. 0_o

Wouldn't that send you straight to hell?
I got a rich girl pregnant when she was still in college. She had an abortion (her choice). The child would have been 28 this year. I do not mourn for the soul of that child as often as I should.
Abortion should only be used in cases of rape or incest. Ask any woman who has had one.
I got a rich girl pregnant when she was still in college. She had an abortion (her choice). The child would have been 28 this year. I do not mourn for the soul of that child as often as I should.
Abortion should only be used in cases of rape or incest. Ask any woman who has had one.

This is true. Most women who've had an abortion deeply regret it.
The reason is quite simple.

If I were to get a woman pregnant, I would want her to insta-get an abortion. I don't care if super science came out and proved it was a baby capable of physics in the womb. Throw that baby into a blender.

The more abortion is accepted and not stigmatized, the more I can not have to worry about girls with baby fever poking holes in my condoms and dooming me for life.

Until a fetus develops some sort of brain, it's really just a bag of organs. The brain contains pretty much all that is relevant about a person. I'm unable to see the moral difference between abortion and just not conceiving. It doesn't feel pain, it's not capable of understanding suffering, and it's wrong to force the mother to suffer against her will for the sake of the fetus.

People have argued that this stance abandons "personal responsibility", which is a silly argument because it just presumes that terminating the fetus is wrong. If it's not wrong, what would the woman be responsible for? I absolutely would be against abortion if I felt that the fetus were anything even resembling a person. And I can't see that. You have to have a brain (or something equivalent) to be a person.
Until a fetus develops some sort of brain, it's really just a bag of organs. The brain contains pretty much all that is relevant about a person. I'm unable to see the moral difference between abortion and just not conceiving. It doesn't feel pain, it's not capable of understanding suffering, and it's wrong to force the mother to suffer against her will for the sake of the fetus.

People have argued that this stance abandons "personal responsibility", which is a silly argument because it just presumes that terminating the fetus is wrong. If it's not wrong, what would the woman be responsible for? I absolutely would be against abortion if I felt that the fetus were anything even resembling a person. And I can't see that. You have to have a brain (or something equivalent) to be a person.

So, are you saying once they gain that particular organ abortion should be illegal? You are aware that brains develop in utero, aren't you?
Let me clarify the OP for those over 40. Back in 1946, a psychoanalyst named Ben Spock, wrote a book about child care. In it, he advocated a liberal upbringing for children which was devoid of discipline and encouraged instant gratification. Pinheads flocked to the bookstores to make Dr. Spock a very rich man, and began to rear their children according to his guidelines. Those children who were raised in this environment of no discipline and instant gratification, never learned the importance of values, never learned to be responsible, and ultimately, became selfish and inconsiderate and intolerable assholes as adults. They would go on to spawn the next generation of children, like Grind. Raised by people who had absolutely no understanding of values and ethics, and steeped in this sense of entitlement to instant gratification, the final product of Dr. Spock's thesis is exemplified here. I don't need to comment on the OP, it speaks for itself. I would like to suggest my solution to this growing problem of Spock Grandbabies.... Sterilization. I think we need to round up people who feel the way Grind does, and sterilize them, so they can never ever produce offspring. It would be the single greatest contribution made to mankind. PLUS, it would alleviate any concerns Grind has about getting people pregnant.