Why I hate America



Why I Hate "America"

by Ian Antius

I hate America and Americans. More to the point, I hate the use of those terms in reference to this country and its citizens. Calling this country "America" and those of us living in it "Americans" smacks of the most vile and despicable arrogance possible and a self-centeredness that is an underlying cause of the hatred that many of the people of the world have against this country. Bush's pathetic attempt to ascribe it to hatred of our way of life: is, in a way, true. It is not our freedoms-and-fancy-cars way of life but rather our invading, bombing and killing way of life that is the problem.

But back to America.

People Buring Flag

America is not one country but two continents, 39 countries and 850 million people. Yet the term has been usurped by this country in a way that exemplifies its treatment not only of the people of North and South America (look at our relationships with Canada and Mexico, for example) but of the world at large. The term's use betrays arrogance and a ruthless attitude that demands and extracts special privileges enforced through the use of brute military power to acquire and control the world's resources.

The term betrays an attitude that has rightly been labeled "the Ugly American." It is an attitude that began with the birth of this country as the first white settlers claimed manifest destiny as the basis for slaughtering the native peoples and stealing their lands. It is an attitude that justified kidnapping Africans from their homes and treating them as slaves to be bought and traded as personal property. It is an attitude that grew with the expansion of capitalism beyond these borders as country after country was invaded and their people were subjugated, slaughtered, or starved (the new fad). It is an attitude that says that all is fair in the pursuit of profit, especially when one has the military might to make it so.

This is what "America" means and it does not speak well for the future "America" as envisioned by Bush and Co. That vision includes never-ending war against the people of the world under the guise of fighting terrorism. As a veteran of the U.S. military, I find it very hypocritical for the U.S. to claim to be fighting terror. Smedley Butler said in 1933:

I spent thirty-three years and four months in active military service ... and during that period I spent most of my time being a high class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.

The Bush and Company's vision constitutes a future where freedom and civil rights are ground under the boot heel of Homeland Security. It is a future where critical thought and any criticism of the government are labeled traitorous and where patriotism is mindless allegiance to a flag and the nations "leaders." It is a future in which country after country and people after people are subsumed to the capital interests of the U.S. and in which the United States military machine reigns supreme, meting out its own brand of justice to those who refuse to go along.

It is a future that holds no future for the people of the world.
How dare you besmirch America and her global fight 'gainst the international terrorist scourge.

I'm quite sure that if it weren't for America keeping the terrorist numbers down then we'd be overrun with them. Are you aware that the terrorist can produce up to 16 offspring as often as three times a year? Is that what you want? Filthy terrorists scavenging in the bins and spreading their vile diseases? Have you ever had an infestation of terrorists? Judging by your devil-may-care attitude i think not, sir.

Well, let me tell you this. I have and it is not something i would wish on anyone. To hear them scurrying about the attic in the early hours is bad enough but when you come down for breakfast to be greeted with a kitchen floor generously dotted with terrorist excrement...well i don't mind admitting that it brought a tear to the eye.


Do you want this man, Al-Qaeda's second in command, defecating in your house?