Why I might vote for McCain...


God Bless America
At least I know what I'm getting with McCain. For the most part he is honest about where he stands on the issues, and there's a real possibility he'll veto pork spending.

Meanwhile, Obama talks about "change" but fails to elaborate. Barr is a fake. Baldwin is an afterthought candidate. McKinney is a bitch. Keyes is an asshole.

Right now, I'm leaning toward McCain. Possibly Nader.

Is anyone as sickened by this election as I am?
Nader is actually drawing more strongly from McCain this election than from Obama. He's certainly honest but he has an ego as big as Peter North's pecker.

So vote for me. Watermark: an answer to fear! If elected, I promise change!
you do? you may want to tell him where he stands!

McCain is the Greatest Flip Flopper of all time
"Fortune: Jonathan Chait has written in The New Republic that if John McCain circa 2007 were running against John McCain circa 2000, he would call John McCain 2000 a Communist."

McCain goes over to the dark side - Los Angeles Times

"Meanwhile, McCain is going around saying things like, "I take stands on principle, and I don't switch positions depending on what audience or what time it is in the electoral calendar." Apparently we're supposed to swallow the notion that Barack Obama's (short) list of policy reversals is entirely motivated by political calculation, while the extremely long list of issues where McCain has moved right since 2004 is a response to "changed circumstances.""


"Long-time readers know that I’ve been emphasizing John McCain’s dozens of major policy flip-flops for months now, hoping that this would a) catch on as a campaign issue; and b) undermine McCain’s unearned reputation for principled stands on the issues."



Social Security BEFORE
McCain 11/28/04: “Without privatization, I don’t see how you can possibly, over time, make sure that young Americans are able to receive Social Security benefits.”

McCain 6/12/08: "I’m not for, quote, privatizing Social Security. I never have been. I never will be."

Abortion BEFORE
McCain 8/24/99: "But certainly in the short term, or even the long term, I would not support repeal of Roe v. Wade, which would then force X number of women in America to [undergo] illegal and dangerous operations." [WashPost]

McCain 2/18/07: "I do not support Roe versus Wade. It should be overturned" [MSNBC]

Wow so he changed his opinion on a few issues over the past 10 years. No shit, Sherlock.

hmmmm.... this used to be called flip flop... remember the woman at the Rep. Convention with flip flops on her hands?

didnt think so
Ron paul stands on principles ? That is a strange educational platform.

And he doesn't change positions ? No wonder Candy went on drugs for marital problems.
hmmmm.... this used to be called flip flop... remember the woman at the Rep. Convention with flip flops on her hands?

didnt think so

Changing positions just before or during an election can be considered a flip-flop. Gore did it, Kerry did it, now Obama is doing it. But switching positions over the course of ten years or more is often simply adjusting to a change in circumstances. The perfect example is how McCain once opposed offshore drilling, whereas now he supports it. He opposed it when gasoline was $1.50 per gallon. Gasoline prices have since tripled. Can that be considered a flip-flop? I think not.
Hey Thor, vote for whoever the f*ck you want to vote for. It's your choice. Vote for Obama, Vote for McCain vote for anyone else. As Bobby Brown said back in the late '80's it's your perogitive.
Ron paul stands on principles ? That is a strange educational platform.

And he doesn't change positions ? No wonder Candy went on drugs for marital problems.

I really do respect that you fought for this country. I do not judge people by their education level which is why I repect you more for being economically successful regardless of education. But I think you are lower than low based on your education comments about others. Your a partisan hack, which you claim not to be. You claim to be a thinking person. However millions of children have failed public school due to thinking persons saying we will not change public schools one bit.
I really do respect that you fought for this country. I do not judge people by their education level which is why I repect you more for being economically successful regardless of education. But I think you are lower than low based on your education comments about others. Your a partisan hack, which you claim not to be. You claim to be a thinking person. However millions of children have failed public school due to thinking persons saying we will not change public schools one bit.

Whoever said that? Maybe they just rejected your changes?
The "I know what I am getting excuse" is one of the weaker excuses usually used by the sheepish right to hide the fact that they secretly support their old cranky out of touch leaders but don't want to say it to your face.

It is like saying you wish to have a rectal exam with a blow torch versus some unknown exam, because at least you know the level of degree of pain and suffering you'll go through.
[ame="http://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?t=12959"]Why I'm voting for John 'McSame' McCain - Just Plain Politics![/ame]

me too
However millions of children have failed public school due to thinking persons saying we will not change public schools one bit.

No they just claimed to be thinking persons. I have said for years get tennis and basket weaving classes out of public schools. concentrate on readin, ritin and rithmetic.