Why I was dissatisfied with Democratic leadership.


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Why I was dissatisfied with Democratic leadership.

A major reason for my dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party was the manner that they ran their election campaigns after 2008. Every Democratic speech, regardless of the speeches topic), should have begun, mentioned in the middle and ended with high praise for Massachusetts’s Romneycare and promised that the Democrats will not simply strive to emulate but would do what it could to improve upon the example that Massachusetts set for the nation. Whatever else Romney did or failed to do as governor, Romneycare is a success story.
Republicans abandonment of their prior position for universal accountability principles that would mandate every person who lacks qualified healthcare and could afford it, should be mandated to do so. Medicaid, (a federally overseen and augmented state medical insurance charity program) would cover the remainder of our population.

At that point you would think that an intelligent opposing party would advocate a federal sales tax to fund universal per capita amount of subsidy for every qualified government or commercial policy that is the individual insured person’s primary healthcare insurance.
Every USA individual taxpayer should receive a lesser restoration of Bush’s income tax reduction and provide every individual income tax payer a flat amount of tax credit for themselves and each of their dependents, (providing each and every one of them is insured by a qualified healthcare insurance policy). That tax credit amount should also be annually adjusted to stay abreast with the U.S. dollar’s purchasing power.

A religious person would declare the single plurality Supreme Court vote that upheld the mandated purchase of healthcare insurance was G_d’s intervention. I have not forgiven Democratic leaders timidity which almost killed their own Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).

Respectfully Supposn