why Im a democrat

18,000 annual murders
kids in jail for pot
elective wars
stock markets better under dems
these are my reasons.
Bartels' findings raise an important puzzle: if Democrats produce better income results for everyone, and particularly for the more numerous lower-income groups, why do they not always win?


Insightful question, there.
There long dead

We were irrevocably changed (i.e. principles of the Revolution were killed) by the triumph of Jefferson and then Jackson. We got populism and the death of the republican world view. Eventually we got disunion, because some people just couldn't bring themselves to be honorable, virtuous, and decent.

Today we are stuck with this history. You see it when people attack the Electoral College, give flattering praise to the ignorant masses, turn over authority from Congress to the courts, and so forth...

Also, their party is not dead with them. Remember, the Jackass is you're party's mascot because Jackson was one, someone pointed it out to him, and he laughed it off and made it the symbol of his shitty party.
The electoral college was originally meant to convene and intelligently decide who was going to be president, since the founders thought there was no way that the ignorant masses could understand the nuances of a presidential election. However, within two they had the system rigged where they only voted for people who had expressly stated whom they would vote for. The founders underestimated the intelligence of the average American, and now all we have today is just a complicated system of distorting the popular vote, which doesn't make the election of bad candidates any less likely at all.
The electoral college was originally meant to convene and intelligently decide who was going to be president, since the founders thought there was no way that the ignorant masses could understand the nuances of a presidential election. However, within two they had the system rigged where they only voted for people who had expressly stated whom they would vote for. The founders underestimated the intelligence of the average American, and now all we have today is just a complicated system of distorting the popular vote, which doesn't make the election of bad candidates any less likely at all.

I think the 19th Century, which came on the death of the Federalists, is proof that the Founders were right about the people. I mean, Jackson over John Quincy Adams? WTF? And lets not forget when we elected that hottie JFK into office (granted, his opponent sucked too) in the last Century. No, the consistency of the public to be ignoramouses is unending.
Well it sure as heck just can't be the Republicans fault, it just cant!
It has to all be liberals fault!

After all they are the party of personal responsibility and sure would own up if it was their fault :rolleyes:
I think the 19th Century, which came on the death of the Federalists, is proof that the Founders were right about the people. I mean, Jackson over John Quincy Adams? WTF? And lets not forget when we elected that hottie JFK into office (granted, his opponent sucked too) in the last Century. No, the consistency of the public to be ignoramouses is unending.

But the people did outsmart the founders, Threedee. ;)

Instead of electing people to make a rational decision, we elect people to make our rational decision. The founders didn't think it possible, but it happened almost instantly.
What Nixon did was recoverable in a short time. what has been done since then may well never be recovered from.
America has taken many gigantic leaps backward at a furious pace since 1980. Progressives have to realize that they can't be the voice of the future just by declaring themselves so. They have to fight for it. Because, right now, it's looking like we have conservatism for another century or so.
But the people did outsmart the founders, Threedee. ;)

Instead of electing people to make a rational decision, we elect people to make our rational decision. The founders didn't think it possible, but it happened almost instantly.

The Founders never expected the experiment to last more than 3 generations. Which is about the time the idiots in the south seceded. What rational decisions did the people make after the 1790's? We elected lousy ideologues like Jefferson and Jackson, and Jackson's administration resulted in a depression. Anti-industrial sentiment triumphed and worked to undermine Hamilton's accomplishments. The only good thing that happened in the first 40 years of the 19th Century was Jefferson's purchase of the Louisiana Territory (yes, I give him that, even though it was hypocritical of him).
Desh, income, the stock market, economic growth, poverty, etc. might seem like they do better under democrats.

But, its all just business cycles. Or as superfreak might say: Democrats just get lucky. For the past 80 years. Quite a streak of luck, actually.

So, the economy under FDR, LBJ and Carter was decent? JFK was the only Dem to have actually put effort into growing a strong economy (it was undermined very quickly by LBJ) and Truman and Clinton are the only two to have actually presided over a strong economy.