'Why I’m So Mean'


I know this will be hard to believe, but often when I call a right wing conservative stupid I feel a bit of remorse. My mom would have corrected me, my dad would have added a much more colorful stupid. But face it folks, the right wing today are the puppets of the rich, and they prove it almost daily. And is there any need to mention the dreamy libertarians who think fantasy-land is for real? So it was a pleasure coming across Jonathan CHait's piece on why he can't help but be un-PC. Enjoy. Oh, and do as I do, save the link for tomorrow a right wingnut will repeat the same nonsense.

By Jonathan Chait

"There are just a lot of people out there exerting significant influence over the political debate who are totally unqualified. The dilemma is especially acute in the political economic field, where wealthy right-wingers have pumped so much money to subsidize the field of pro-rich people polemics that the demand for competent defenders of letting rich people keep as much of their money as possible vastly outstrips the supply. Hence the intellectual marketplace for arguments that we should tax rich people less is glutted with hackery. The very simple fallacy I pointed out by de Rugy has been knocking around for years, without end. (Here it is in a piece by Stephen Moore in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal op-ed page. Here is Senator Jim DeMint making it today in an interview with the approving editors of Reason.) A similar problem exists, perhaps to an even worse extent, with climate change denial."


These are the puppet masters of the right wing today.


Nothing much from the right wingnuts? Why not ask the rich you worship what you are supposed to say here, they'll set you straight.

From 'Notebook, A Quibble,' By Mark Slouka

"I was raised to be ashamed of my ignorance, and to try to do something about it if at all possible. I carry that burden to this day, and have successfully passed it on to my children. I don’t believe I have the right to an opinion about something I know nothing about—constitutional law, for example, or sailing—a notion that puts me sadly out of step with a growing majority of my countrymen, many of whom may be unable to tell you anything at all about Islam, say, or socialism, or climate change, except that they hate it, are against it, don’t believe in it. Worse still (or more amusing, depending on the day) are those who can tell you, and then offer up a stew of New Age blather, right-wing rant, and bloggers’ speculation that’s so divorced from actual, demonstrable fact, that’s so not true, as the kids would say, that the mind goes numb with wonder. “Way I see it is,” a man in the Tulsa Motel 6 swimming pool told me last summer, “if English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it’s good enough for us.”

Quite possibly, this belief in our own opinion, regardless of the facts, may be what separates us from the nations of the world, what makes us unique in God’s eyes. The average German or Czech, though possibly no less ignorant than his American counterpart, will probably consider the possibility that someone who has spent his life studying something may have an opinion worth considering. Not the American. Although perfectly willing to recognize expertise in basketball, for example, or refrigerator repair, when it comes to the realm of ideas, all folks (and their opinions) are suddenly equal. Thus evolution is a damned lie, global warming a liberal hoax, and Republicans care about people like you."

Article appeared in Notesbook. http://www.harpers.org/
Nothing much from the right wingnuts? Why not ask the rich you worship what you are supposed to say here, they'll set you straight.

Gee middy....what filthy rich folks give you your talking points?

Jane Harman (D-Calif): $493,604,000
Mark Warner (D-Va): $309,088,999

John Kerry (D-Mass): $281,976,067

Herb Kohl (D-Wis): $258,847,994
Jared Polis (D-Colo): $228,492,998

Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif): $196,299,990
Jay Rockefeller (D-WVa): $136,482,003

Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ): $116,071,021
Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif): $93,707,020
Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn): $91,183,450
David Letterman($400 Mil),
Tom Hanks($350 Mil)
Al Gore....his company got $560 million is government grants...I don't know what his cut is

and thousands of other Hollywood lefties.....but I'm sure you get the point......I couldn't mention them all....

and really, the fear mongering about climate change is passe....debunked....outed.....get over it.