Why is global warming a political issue?


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I have never understood why this is such a fiercely political issue, for both sides.

Merits of the issue itself aside, why are so many conservatives in the "do not believe" category, and so many liberals are in the "holy shit this has to be stopped" category?

Is it as simple an explanation of "liberals are smart, and conservatives are anti-science retards" or is there something else going on here?

The fact that it (seems) to split right down party lines, leads me to believe there is something else going on in regards to motives for both sides of the debate.

and i KNOW that there are many conservatives here that are more informed on global warming and don't deny it. But if you watch fox news, or talk to the common red stater, most will flat out deny global warming and firmly believe that it's a global conspiracy to some unknown end
Climate is a cyclical event, and has risen to highs and fallen to ice ages throughout the Earth's history since it initially cooled from its original gas and magma stage. It seems evident that we are on a swing toward an eventual high temperature period, seeing as how the last extreme that Earth experienced was an ice age. This swing toward high temperature is beyond out ability to control, as well. As for the man-made (AGW) stuff, I have yet to see any reason to buy into it.
and i KNOW that there are many conservatives here that are more informed on global warming and don't deny it. But if you watch fox news, or talk to the common red stater, most will flat out deny global warming and firmly believe that it's a global conspiracy to some unknown end

It sounds like you believe in global warming. When you make statements like "more informed and don't deny it", sounds like you believe those who deny it are uninformed.

I would like to know what credible information you have to support the theory? Up until a few months ago, there was supposedly all kinds of data which showed a trend of slight warming, which seemed to coincide with industrialization. However, that information is now found to be fraudulent, manipulated, and in some cases outright discarded, to obtain the objective. There is no credible basis for the theory, it no longer exists. You can wish it did, you can want it to, you can pretend it does, but the fact of the matter is, there is no scientific evidence that man-made global warming is happening. That is just a fact of life you need to learn to accept. Calling people names because they don't buy into something with no evidence to support it, is not real smart. It is YOU who is misinformed, and you've been lied to all the way down the line, now it's hard for you to accept. I understand, but at some point, you have to stop being in denial of the facts.

If you want to know what I think.... I believe the whole farce has been the effort of socialists who want to destroy American capitalism any way they can. A couple of decades ago, a bunch of European socialists began contemplating how they could bilk commercial industry and specifically, American capitalism, and their idea was a "carbon offset tax" because most industrialized corporations do produce carbon in some form as a byproduct of what they make. This all began as an ideology, and then the "science" was formed around it. That is why you find a split among the left and right. Leftists are socialists, they want to bilk American industry as much as possible, because if you can destroy capitalism, you can then bring in socialism to "save the day."

The Left in America is almost rabid at this point.... I mean, literally almost foaming at the mouth at the mere sight of a conservative. The Right could come out tomorrow and say they are for curing cancer, and the left would formulate some argument against it, based solely on the fact that the right is for it. I think a lot of the stubbornness and unwillingness to accept the fact this scandal has now been exposed, is because of vitriol for the right, and nothing more.
I have never understood why this is such a fiercely political issue, for both sides.

Merits of the issue itself aside, why are so many conservatives in the "do not believe" category, and so many liberals are in the "holy shit this has to be stopped" category?

Is it as simple an explanation of "liberals are smart, and conservatives are anti-science retards" or is there something else going on here?

The fact that it (seems) to split right down party lines, leads me to believe there is something else going on in regards to motives for both sides of the debate.

Mostly because the "fix" from the left involves punishing the US and crippling our economy.
why do liberals by and large "buy into it" and conservatives do not?
Again, because the "fix" involves wealth redistribution on a much larger scale. In every "fix" offered, the US agrees to cripple its own economy and give tons of cash to third world nations so they can participate in the "fix". It basically becomes a means of global wealth redistribution.
I have never understood why this is such a fiercely political issue, for both sides.

Merits of the issue itself aside, why are so many conservatives in the "do not believe" category, and so many liberals are in the "holy shit this has to be stopped" category?

Is it as simple an explanation of "liberals are smart, and conservatives are anti-science retards" or is there something else going on here?

The fact that it (seems) to split right down party lines, leads me to believe there is something else going on in regards to motives for both sides of the debate.

Because regulations that would be implemented to mitigate anthropogenic climactic change would have serious economic consequences for those with a vested interest in the fossil fuels industry if the scientist are wrong and disastrous consequences for all if the scientist are right.
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why do liberals by and large "buy into it" and conservatives do not?
I don't know if I would state the question like that. Rather that is a paradigm that politicians would have you believe in (either/or, it doesn't really matter) so that they can manipulate you into supporting their agenda.
Democrats politicize it.
They hate big profits and it wouldn't have caught hold without Exxon's massive objectionable profits of a couple years ago.
The Left in America is almost rabid at this point.... I mean, literally almost foaming at the mouth at the mere sight of a conservative. The Right could come out tomorrow and say they are for curing cancer, and the left would formulate some argument against it, based solely on the fact that the right is for it.

Ridiculous hyperbole, thy name truly is...DIXIE!
I have never understood why this is such a fiercely political issue, for both sides.

Merits of the issue itself aside, why are so many conservatives in the "do not believe" category, and so many liberals are in the "holy shit this has to be stopped" category?

Is it as simple an explanation of "liberals are smart, and conservatives are anti-science retards" or is there something else going on here?

The fact that it (seems) to split right down party lines, leads me to believe there is something else going on in regards to motives for both sides of the debate.


I think it stems from the end result of what the liberals want to do as a result of 'man made global warming' or climate change (aka everything that happens) or whatever all encompassing title they want to put on it.

It is a question of how do we address the problems.

Liberals (especially on the extreme) tend to be in favor of the cap and trade scheme as some sort of solution. (even though they know it is not)

Some uninformed conservatives take the stance primarily on their not wanting the cap and trade scheme.

Bottom line is this... we need to address pollution, we need to reduce our dependency on foreign energy and we need to invest in more R&D in clean/alt energy technologies.

My position is that the 'man made' global warming scheme is a hoax. I think they are taking normal shifts in the climate and proclaiming man is the primary cause so that they can once again shift wealth. The cap and trade scheme does this. Not to mention the fact that by proclaiming 'the sky is falling' the so-called scientists keep getting funding and the governments leading the charge have a new way to gain more power over the people.

When 'scientists' hide their data... .there is a problem.

When governments publish data as scientific and it turns out it is not... there is a problem.

When opposing views are shouted down due to 'consensus'.... there is a problem... ESPECIALLY when talking about SCIENCE.

Back to your question, I think the governments level of involvement is a large component of why the topic gets split on party lines.

My opinion is this....

1) We control our environmental standards on oil and nat gas produced here. Thus we can enact greater protections for the environment if we drill here.

2) We keep our money and the jobs HERE rather than sending them overseas.

3) We then tax the production (or revenue share) and use that money for infrastructure buildout and investments in clean/alt energy R&D.

4) We continue to improve fuel efficiency, reduce pollution (air, land, water) etc... until we have eliminated as much fossil fuel use as we can.

5) All of the money being spent on global warming fear mongering can instead be directed into alt energy research and development.

We do the above five, we can resolve (as much as possible) the issues facing us... this will also reduce the effect man is having on the change in climate (if any does indeed exist).
Because regulations that would be implemented to mitigate anthropogenic climactic change would have serious economic consequences for those with a vested interest in the fossil fuels industry if the scientist are wrong and disastrous consequences for all if the scientist are right.

correction... it would have drastic economic impact on everyone if the current cap and trade type proposals were put into effect. Couple that with the probability that the cap and trade will not likely have a significant impact on carbon emissions and you end up with just a transfer of wealth....

Also... Scientists do not hide data, do not work to suppress opposing views and do not allow bogus 'data' to be published by governmental hacks simply because that is where their funding comes from.
it gives dems the ability to move the discussion away from the economy. It's hard for them to win a debate with repubs on the economy when repubs are with families ie less taxes etc.
why do liberals by and large "buy into it" and conservatives do not?
Because many divide themselves into those categories based on their thoughts on global warming. Then there is the perception that 'liberals' are all earth loving hippies and 'conservatives' want to drown baby seals in oil.
Because many divide themselves into those categories based on their thoughts on global warming. Then there is the perception that 'liberals' are all earth loving hippies and 'conservatives' want to drown baby seals in oil.
Nah, just club them up good with a bat and sell their skins... (of course I could never do that, but whatev..)
Because conservatives don't want to do the market incentives necessary to prevent catastrophe. They put their hands over their ears and yell "lalalalalallalalalala" anytime anything happens that may involve government regulation.