Why is there a Chef at the Presidential Debate?

Michelle Bachmann wore a blouse that looked like a chef's jacket. I was looking for an image to go with the post... The joke doesn't work without a visual. I may just make this thread disappear until I have the images.

Really! And what did Ron Paul wear? The latest in straight-jacket chic?

debate 1.jpg

I can't get a close-up because most of the attention seems to be on the big makeout session between Perry and Romney (very hot!), but she's wearing a jacket and it's perfectly appropriate IMO.
"The usually polished and suave Romney, confronted in the most direct manner to date, was red-faced and animated, so flustered and angered by the attack that he fired back with a taunt: Perry, jabbed Romney, has had a “tough couple of debates.”

The visual dimension to the confrontation highlighted the animosity. Perry repeatedly interrupted Romney, Romney put his hand on Perry’s shoulder and Perry shot Romney a ferocious glare. It was as intense and intimate a moment as there has been in the campaign so far."

The sexual tension between these two is almost unbearable!

"The usually polished and suave Romney, confronted in the most direct manner to date, was red-faced and animated, so flustered and angered by the attack that he fired back with a taunt: Perry, jabbed Romney, has had a “tough couple of debates.”

The visual dimension to the confrontation highlighted the animosity. Perry repeatedly interrupted Romney, Romney put his hand on Perry’s shoulder and Perry shot Romney a ferocious glare. It was as intense and intimate a moment as there has been in the campaign so far."

The sexual tension between these two is almost unbearable!

Sexual tension you say? Hmmmm...
