Why it’s time to stop using “white” as a pejorative


on indefiniate mod break

The “white people are square and bland” gag is an old one, and for the most part, it’s both harmless and healthy.

But increasingly, people aren’t sniping about “whiteness” to be funny, or even defiant—at least not entirely. They’re using the term as a form of criticism, meant to be dismissive. “That movie looks very white,” or, “That sounds like music for white people,” is another way of saying, “That can’t be any good.” And I do have a problem with that.

What’s most troubling to me about the use of “white people problems” as a jokey rejoinder is that it seems to imply that non-white people don’t use computers, or go to restaurants, or get cable TV, or exist in a world where our common, petty annoyances with such things apply.

not trying to race bait, I just thought it was an interesting article, specifically how it relates to media. I don't think the article is very inciting in either direction
not trying to race bait, I just thought it was an interesting article, specifically how it relates to media. I don't think the article is very inciting in either direction

No. It was race-baiting, portraying, once again, "whites" as poor victims of bad press and PR. You're not someone I would want to have a drink with, seriously.
You're not stable. You swing from one extreme to another. yet, you want to instruct me as to how to be. Live longer....and you one day may be wise enough to mete out advice.
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i'm not sure you actually read the article poet . . .

it's not about white people being victims, it's about ways in which one criticizes art.
i'm not sure you actually read the article poet . . .

it's not about white people being victims, it's about ways in which one criticizes art.

And you're "loopy". It was a rambling rant about how whites are marginalized by their culture by media and television. In other words, "victimology". Yet, again.
And you're "loopy". It was a rambling rant about how whites are marginalized by their culture by media and television. In other words, "victimology". Yet, again.

dude no it's not. The article actually spend a very decent amount of time about the need for diversity in media. I think you are definitely misinterpreting the premise of the article, you either didn't read it, or skimmed over it.
dude no it's not. The article actually spend a very decent amount of time about the need for diversity in media. I think you are definitely misinterpreting the premise of the article, you either didn't read it, or skimmed over it.

Once again, you imply that there is something wrong with my comprehension, which is another reflection of your imagined "white privilege" (you know, white people know all things, are never wrong, and are masters of the universe?). I read the article. And it's a fluff piece. You took it seriously.
Once again, you imply that there is something wrong with my comprehension, which is another reflection of your imagined "white privilege" (you know, white people know all things, are never wrong, and are masters of the universe?). I read the article. And it's a fluff piece. You took it seriously.


so when you accuse others of having reading issues....does that mean you are engaging in black privilege?