Why Libertarianism/Constitutionalism Is The Only Sane Form Of Government


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Libertarianism/constitutionalism is the only sane form of government because, if the Constitution had been followed in its genius of strict construction, all socialist programs would be the sole authority of the 50 States and the Feds would have no part in them as the 10th Amendment mandates.

Thereby America would be a microcosm of State laboratories providing what actually worked and what failed, what provided the best of government and what provided the worst of government. What provided the best economy and what provided the worst economy. States could learn from one another and Americans would be free to vote with their feet and go to where they could enjoy the most sameness with government in relation to their own individual political ideologies.

Thereby also, the federal government would only be as BIG as the federal government has constitutional authority to be by the ONLY powers delegated to the federal government by the Constitution. Thereby, NO 16 trillion $ National Debt, NO fiscal cliff and NO reason to keep raising the debt ceiling. NO bailing out failed Banks, Insurance companies, Fannie & Freddie and other private businesses. Too BIG to fail wouldn’t exist. The feds would provide a military, deliver the mail and ONLY do those things the feds are authorized to do in Article One, Section Eight and amendments to our Constitution. We could repeal the Sixteenth Amendment and get rid of the IRS.
Its nice to notice that there is “NO” rational argument with my proposal in this thread, thereby all here agreeing. So, let us all begin voting libertarian and create a new and much better America as our founders envisioned it to be.

All wars are to be DECLARED only by the Congress, no phony resolutions that allow Presidents to declare wars by their own whims and stupidity.

End the idiot violent Drug War and allow Americans the freedom to decide for themselves what they will and will not put into their “OWN” bodies, thereby ending the huge profits for criminal and terrorist types, freeing up law enforcement to deal with real criminals, freeing up our judicial system to prosecute real criminals, freeing up ,our penal system to incarcerate real criminals, eliminating the corrupting of politicians and police and ending the drug violence in our streets.

Verify our Second Amendment rights by allowing trained teachers and trained security guards to be armed to protect and secure our children in our schools, no less than we protect our politicians, our government buildings and our homes and property.

Reduce the federal government to the size and scope authorized by our Constitution and restore State’s Rights thereby allowing the States to be micro laboratories of what works and what doesn’t work to create good government, good economy, rights and liberties within the confines of the Tenth Amendment to our Constitution.

Bring back the American tradition and principle of rugged individualism and minding our own business instead of everybody else’s and the world’s business. “Commerce with all, entangling alliances with none.”

Free right of contract between all “agreeing” people regardless of race or gender including marriage contracts.

Free right of religious liberty without interference of government.

No taxpayer’s bailouts of anybody by the federal government. No crony capitalism. A free and level playing field for true capitalism and the right of everybody to succeed or fail on their own.

No government mandated socialism, only “voluntary” socialism, charity and personal responsibility.

Throw out all politicians that violate the strict construction of our Constitution and replace them with constitutionalist libertarians.

Restore America to its greatness!!!