Why no media coverage on the antiwar protests ?


Villified User
I keep reading of many anti war rpotests around the country, but the media seems to be ignoring them. I wonder why. I know Dano I am a conspiracy theory kind of guy :)
Yes , but I don't think most people realize how they are growing rapidly in number and makeup of the demonstrators.
What anti protests? ;)

Well, this just tells ya that not just Fox is on the administration's/government's side but it is all of the news networks...so much for them being the 4th branch of our government ...there to keep the government honest....


But seriously, I doubt someone from the administration picked up the phone and called each network to tell them not to cover the recent protests....

so there must be some kind of "secret" agreement or "mutual" agreement of all of them not to cover the news on this....on protests.... just like there is an agreement with the news NOT to show our DEAD when they come home in coffins....ya think?

and the news needs to be independent of whether it makes money or not...imo the whole reason the Press has its freedom is because our forfathers expected the press to be our government's watchdog.

no SUCH LUCK! :(

this is really becoming a little frightening...imo, not "this" persay, but where it can lead....
