Why Not Trees & Bugs & Bears, Too?


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If Bezos’ money can stop aging among humans he should be able to stop the aging process in every living entity.

A new report links Amazon founder Jeff Bezos to a group of scientists trying to find a technology roadmap to the Fountain of Youth.

The report Saturday in the MIT Technology Review features Altos Labs, a Silicon Valley company that is conducting anti-aging research.

Ultra-rich Jeff Bezos seeks to 'reprogram' human cells with new investment: Report
By Jack Davis
Published September 6, 2021 at 6:37pm


I think Bezos is pissed off because he cannot take his money with him when he dies; so he wants to hang onto the lucre indefinitely if possible.

Frankly, Bezos will get more for his money if he changes human nature. Traits shared by humans did not change one iota since man emerged from tide pools.



Many tide pools are habitats of especially adaptable animals that have engaged the attention of naturalists and marine biologists, as well as philosophical essayists: John Steinbeck wrote in The Log from the Sea of Cortez, "It is advisable to look from the tide pool to the stars and then back to the tide pool."


The priest personality is mankind’s worst trait. Curing disease, ending famine, and life in the hereafter is the primary source of income for clerics of every stripe.

Every priest feeds on saving mankind by killing off the undesirables. So Bezos’ researchers might consider looking for a roadmap to why only one personality type can only survive by telling everyone else how to live. That trait always results in mass killing. Every ‘civilized’ evil influence comes from that single human flaw. Erase that defect and individuals would live a lot longer.

Parenthetically, priests bringing in tens of millions of immigrants to the U.S. will end with the government daily picking up the dead bodies in crowded cities. That is exactly why priests thrive on famines. Hell, India did not call it a famine until after a million died.

NOTE: The first time I went to Calcutta on my way to the British Seamen Club I walked by a naked woman lying dead on the side of the road. She had a huge open wound in one leg near her knee. No one stopped, nor did I because I knew enough not to interfere in India’s culture.

While in Calcutta fifty or so years ago I had a premonition that someday America would become India in that great poverty would permanently coexist with great wealth. Back then, approximately four percent of India’s population controlled the wealth, while it was one percent in America. I believe those numbers are still in effect.


Finally, for those with a religious turn of mind lets assume that every form of life is equal in heaven. If true, that would mean that every life force is equal to man in the next life. Call it collectivism on steroids.

Bottom line: It scares the crap out of Bazos & Company when every tree, every plant, every insect, every fish, every amoeba is equal to man.

p.s. Reincarnation must mean the dearly departed can come back as a weed.

Parenthetically, priests bringing in tens of millions of immigrants to the U.S. will end with the government daily picking up the dead bodies in crowded cities.

China Joe Biden should ask Leonardo Velasquez Centeno if Honduras will pay to pick up and bury dead Americans?

“Whatever they do, I will come back, and I won’t stop trying until I get in,” Leonardo Velasquez Centeno, 25, told The Post. The Honduran is one of 1.1 million-plus would-be illegal migrants caught by US agents in the Biden administration’s first 7½ months. No one really knows how many have evaded capture.

President Joe Biden and others keep saying they’re working to stop it, but his actions — and, even more so, his inactions — suggest the opposite. Certainly, his party’s large left wing believes we should be letting everyone in, that the country can absorb millions and even grant them citizenship at the first opportunity.


Bottom line: It’s become impossible to believe that Biden actually wants to stop this nightmare. His words to the contrary are just more of his endless lies.​

It’s now obvious that Biden doesn’t even want to stop the ever-growing border surge
By Post Editorial Board
September 6, 2021 6:46pm


Former President Donald Trump said Monday that the United States would soon be considered a Third World nation because of the number of migrants crossing the southern border illegally.

''The United States will soon be considered a ‘Third World Nation,''' Trump said in a statement Monday. ''There has never been anything like what is happening at our border. Millions of people have already poured in, but many more than that are coming!''

Trump: US Will Be 'Third World Nation' From Border Crisis
By Charles Kim
Monday, 20 September 2021 06:41 PM


Trump is correct, but he stops short of naming the freaks who are responsible:

The priest personality is mankind’s worst trait. Curing disease, ending famine, and life in the hereafter is the primary source of income for clerics of every stripe.

Nothing creates income for freaks faster than raising populations up to Third World levels. Note that priests already have the political power.