Why scientists who reject God should be put to death


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The only proper role of a "scientist" is to use science and innovation to support endeavors and pursuits which serve the interest of God and the eventual establishment of God's kingdom on earth (a global, new world order in which all heathen and "secular" nations have been subordinated to God's enlightened, universal, theocratic rule - in which all atheism, evil, and adversity shall be eliminated forever).

Sadly, due to the cancer of atheism, science has been abused in the interest of atheistic and evil ways - such as how atheistic regimes like Nazi Germany used science to create weapons of mass destruction and concentration camps using science to do the work of Satan, rather than God.

The solution, rather than ban science or technology entirely - is simply for all Western nations to require that any scientist or technological person profess public belief in God, and ban any views or use of science to promote atheism, heresy, and moral degeneracy - a scientist who does such things is naught but a traitor to God and God's coming kingdom, so the proper choice is to have them executed.

Had we started a program of executing scientists who rejected god many years back, we make likely have avoided social ills such as nuclear weapons, concentration camps, abortion clinics or even allegations of global warming

(e.x. If any man-made global warming occurs, this is likewise the result of atheism and contempt for God - for one who embraces his role as a steward of nature would never intentionally harm the planet, but one who is an atheist, a heathen, or hates god would intentionally harm the planet just to spite God and God's creation - therefore, any claims of man-made global warming happening are likewise the fault of atheists and atheism - one more reason on the list of why anyone in a science or technology sector who scorns God should have no right to live).
The only proper role of a "scientist" is to use science and innovation to support endeavors and pursuits which serve the interest of God and the eventual establishment of God's kingdom on earth (a global, new world order in which all heathen and "secular" nations have been subordinated to God's enlightened, universal, theocratic rule - in which all atheism, evil, and adversity shall be eliminated forever).

Sadly, due to the cancer of atheism, science has been abused in the interest of atheistic and evil ways - such as how atheistic regimes like Nazi Germany used science to create weapons of mass destruction and concentration camps using science to do the work of Satan, rather than God.

The solution, rather than ban science or technology entirely - is simply for all Western nations to require that any scientist or technological person profess public belief in God, and ban any views or use of science to promote atheism, heresy, and moral degeneracy - a scientist who does such things is naught but a traitor to God and God's coming kingdom, so the proper choice is to have them executed.

Had we started a program of executing scientists who rejected god many years back, we make likely have avoided social ills such as nuclear weapons, concentration camps, abortion clinics or even allegations of global warming

(e.x. If any man-made global warming occurs, this is likewise the result of atheism and contempt for God - for one who embraces his role as a steward of nature would never intentionally harm the planet, but one who is an atheist, a heathen, or hates god would intentionally harm the planet just to spite God and God's creation - therefore, any claims of man-made global warming happening are likewise the fault of atheists and atheism - one more reason on the list of why anyone in a science or technology sector who scorns God should have no right to live).

Simply a load of utter nonsense. Typical from a rabid tRump supporter.

The problem is that the OP cannot prove the existence of God, but wants people executed that refuse to base science on spiritual belief. What utter nonsense.
The only proper role of a "scientist" is to use science and innovation to support endeavors and pursuits which serve the interest of God and the eventual establishment of God's kingdom on earth (a global, new world order in which all heathen and "secular" nations have been subordinated to God's enlightened, universal, theocratic rule - in which all atheism, evil, and adversity shall be eliminated forever).

Sadly, due to the cancer of atheism, science has been abused in the interest of atheistic and evil ways - such as how atheistic regimes like Nazi Germany used science to create weapons of mass destruction and concentration camps using science to do the work of Satan, rather than God.

The solution, rather than ban science or technology entirely - is simply for all Western nations to require that any scientist or technological person profess public belief in God, and ban any views or use of science to promote atheism, heresy, and moral degeneracy - a scientist who does such things is naught but a traitor to God and God's coming kingdom, so the proper choice is to have them executed.

Had we started a program of executing scientists who rejected god many years back, we make likely have avoided social ills such as nuclear weapons, concentration camps, abortion clinics or even allegations of global warming

(e.x. If any man-made global warming occurs, this is likewise the result of atheism and contempt for God - for one who embraces his role as a steward of nature would never intentionally harm the planet, but one who is an atheist, a heathen, or hates god would intentionally harm the planet just to spite God and God's creation - therefore, any claims of man-made global warming happening are likewise the fault of atheists and atheism - one more reason on the list of why anyone in a science or technology sector who scorns God should have no right to live).

your a idiot a moron and a dumb ass waste of skin
Marcus is using this board as a plaything. He does not mean what he says. He is just stirring up shit as many highschool kids do for fun.
The only proper role of a "scientist" is to use science and innovation to support endeavors and pursuits which serve the interest of God and the eventual establishment of God's kingdom on earth (a global, new world order in which all heathen and "secular" nations have been subordinated to God's enlightened, universal, theocratic rule - in which all atheism, evil, and adversity shall be eliminated forever).

Sadly, due to the cancer of atheism, science has been abused in the interest of atheistic and evil ways - such as how atheistic regimes like Nazi Germany used science to create weapons of mass destruction and concentration camps using science to do the work of Satan, rather than God.

The solution, rather than ban science or technology entirely - is simply for all Western nations to require that any scientist or technological person profess public belief in God, and ban any views or use of science to promote atheism, heresy, and moral degeneracy - a scientist who does such things is naught but a traitor to God and God's coming kingdom, so the proper choice is to have them executed.

Had we started a program of executing scientists who rejected god many years back, we make likely have avoided social ills such as nuclear weapons, concentration camps, abortion clinics or even allegations of global warming

(e.x. If any man-made global warming occurs, this is likewise the result of atheism and contempt for God - for one who embraces his role as a steward of nature would never intentionally harm the planet, but one who is an atheist, a heathen, or hates god would intentionally harm the planet just to spite God and God's creation - therefore, any claims of man-made global warming happening are likewise the fault of atheists and atheism - one more reason on the list of why anyone in a science or technology sector who scorns God should have no right to live).

It think it really fucked up your head when you starting have sex with your own father.
This sounds like ISIS propaganda.
Honestly if ISIS would start beheading the right people lately (e.x. a piece of atheistic filth like Richard Dawkins, Bill Nye or related ilk) then they'd at least be useful for something.

Atheists are worse and more dangerous than ISIS, since ISIS can only harm your body, but atheistic scourge can harm your soul. They deserve only death or forced conversion, and society rightfully had them executed as apostates for all of human history for good reason.

Example - even in Moslem countries, child rape is a crime - atheists in "1st world countries" such as NAMBLA or LGBT groups which are pro-pedophilia promote child rape - this makes them worse than Muslim terrorists.
Honestly if ISIS would start beheading the right people lately (e.x. a piece of atheistic filth like Richard Dawkins, Bill Nye or related ilk) then they'd at least be useful for something.

Atheists are worse and more dangerous than ISIS, since ISIS can only harm your body, but atheistic scourge can harm your soul. They deserve only death or forced conversion, and society rightfully had them executed as apostates for all of human history for good reason.

Example - even in Moslem countries, child rape is a crime - atheists in "1st world countries" such as NAMBLA or LGBT groups which are pro-pedophilia promote child rape - this makes them worse than Muslim terrorists.

Religious People seem like they enjoy killing people. You must be very religious.
The only proper role of a "scientist" is to use science and innovation to support endeavors and pursuits which serve the interest of God and the eventual establishment of God's kingdom on earth (a global, new world order in which all heathen and "secular" nations have been subordinated to God's enlightened, universal, theocratic rule - in which all atheism, evil, and adversity shall be eliminated forever).
Science itself is atheistic by nature. It does not care whether a god or gods exist or not. It simply doesn't go there. Science is not scientists. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. Attempting to build a theory on whether a god or gods exist or not is not a scientific one. Such a theory is not falsifiable. There is no way to test such a theory.
Sadly, due to the cancer of atheism,
Atheism isn't a cancer. It is simply not considering the effect of a god or gods or the lack thereof. It is no religion. It is simply not addressing the issue at all. Do not confuse the Church of No God with atheism. These fundamentalists often try to claim they are atheist, when they aren't. They are fundamentalists in a religion.
science has been abused in the interest of atheistic and evil ways
Atheism is not evil. It simply doesn't address the existence of any god or gods at all.
- such as how atheistic regimes like Nazi Germany
Nazi Germany used Christianity to punish the Jews for what they did to Christ. It then went on to claim the State (the government) is the only true religion. Hitler himself was a member of the Church of No God.
used science to create weapons of mass destruction
Science is not technology or engineering. Science is not gadgets or weapons.
and concentration camps
Science is not a camp, bigotry, or torture either.
using science to do the work of Satan, rather than God.
No science there. Move along...move along...
The solution, rather than ban science or technology entirely
It is not possible to ban science...any science. It is not possible to ban engineering either.
- is simply for all Western nations to require that any scientist or technological person profess public belief in God,
Ah. So you want to bring back the Dark Ages, do you? No. You cannot force any religion. You are taking the same attitude as radical Islam, killing brutally simply for not believing in their religion.
and ban any views or use of science to promote atheism, heresy, and moral degeneracy
Science doesn't promote any religion. It doesn't prove, support, or deny any religion. It simply doesn't go there. It is atheistic by nature.
- a scientist who does such things is naught but a traitor to God and God's coming kingdom,
Science is not treason. It does not either deny or confirm the existence of any god or gods.
so the proper choice is to have them executed.
Then you ban science completely. The Dark Ages come again.
Had we started a program of executing scientists who rejected god many years back,
Science does not either reject God, or any god or gods, nor confirm or support the existence of God, or any god or gods. It simply doesn't go there.
we make likely have avoided social ills such as nuclear weapons, concentration camps, abortion clinics or even allegations of global warming
Nuclear weapons are not science. They are the result of engineering. Science is not engineering. Concentration camps is the result of cruelty towards fellow men to satisfy racist and bigoted lusts. It is not science. Global Warming is a fundamentalist style religion. It is not science. That religion can't even define what 'global warming' or 'climate change' even mean. Oddly enough, a religion does not have to define it's God.
(e.x. If any man-made global warming occurs,
It can't. No gas or vapor has the capability of warming the Earth. You can't create energy out of nothing. It is not even possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. We don't have anywhere near enough thermometers to even begin a sensible statistical summary of this type.
this is likewise the result of atheism and contempt for God -
Here, I would agree with you somewhat. The Church of Global Warming presupposes that we can essentially terraform the planet (or screw up trying). Actually, we couldn't destroy Earth even if we wanted to. You might say God never gave us that kind of power.
Concentration camps are indeed evil. They cruelly mistreat brothers and sisters of ourselves, and God's children. This is assuming, of course, that God does indeed exist. Personally, I believe He does.
for one who embraces his role as a steward of nature would never intentionally harm the planet,
We can't. We simply don't have that kind of power. We can't destroy the ozone layer even if we wanted to. We can't warm the planet using any gas or vapor. The 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics (theories of science) and the Stefan-Boltzmann law (another theory of science) get in the way. We can't destroy it through pollution either. For one thing, no one ever defined what 'pollution' actually means.
but one who is an atheist, a heathen, or hates god would intentionally harm the planet just to spite God and God's creation -
Atheists do not hate any god or gods, including God as described by Christianity. They do not intentionally harm the planet. Indeed, they can't even if they wanted to.
therefore, any claims of man-made global warming happening are likewise the fault of atheists and atheism -
No. Those that are members of the Church of Global Warming are Marxists. The Church of Global Warming stems from the Church of Karl Marx. The same is true for the Church of Green and the Church of Covid.

The Church of Karl Marx is evil. It councils theft of wealth. It is the same as slavery. It is socialism. It two major forms are fascism and communism. Theft is evil. It is true that many in the Church of Global Warming are also members of the Church of No God.
one more reason on the list of why anyone in a science or technology sector who scorns God should have no right to live).
Bringing on the Dark Ages does not make a religion go away. Indeed, by casting out science and mathematics, you cast out the very thing that brings about knowledge and truth. All you do is encourage illiteracy, idleness, slavery, and misery.

Science by its very nature is enlightenment.
Simply a load of utter nonsense. Typical from a rabid tRump supporter.

The problem is that the OP cannot prove the existence of God, but wants people executed that refuse to base science on spiritual belief. What utter nonsense.

Bigotry. Supporting Trump has nothing to do with believing or not believing in any god or gods.
You are correct, however, that it is not possible to prove a circular argument (which all religions are) either True or False. The other name for the circular argument is the Argument of Faith, or simply 'faith'.
The only proper role of a "scientist" is to use science and innovation to support endeavors and pursuits which serve the interest of God and the eventual establishment of God's kingdom on earth (a global, new world order in which all heathen and "secular" nations have been subordinated to God's enlightened, universal, theocratic rule - in which all atheism, evil, and adversity shall be eliminated forever).

Sadly, due to the cancer of atheism, science has been abused in the interest of atheistic and evil ways - such as how atheistic regimes like Nazi Germany used science to create weapons of mass destruction and concentration camps using science to do the work of Satan, rather than God.

The solution, rather than ban science or technology entirely - is simply for all Western nations to require that any scientist or technological person profess public belief in God, and ban any views or use of science to promote atheism, heresy, and moral degeneracy - a scientist who does such things is naught but a traitor to God and God's coming kingdom, so the proper choice is to have them executed.

Had we started a program of executing scientists who rejected god many years back, we make likely have avoided social ills such as nuclear weapons, concentration camps, abortion clinics or even allegations of global warming

(e.x. If any man-made global warming occurs, this is likewise the result of atheism and contempt for God - for one who embraces his role as a steward of nature would never intentionally harm the planet, but one who is an atheist, a heathen, or hates god would intentionally harm the planet just to spite God and God's creation - therefore, any claims of man-made global warming happening are likewise the fault of atheists and atheism - one more reason on the list of why anyone in a science or technology sector who scorns God should have no right to live).

you are trying to be a dumbfuck bitch, right? if so, kudos, stupid fuck.