Why Should I Be Forced to Pay to Educate YOUR Children?


New member
Don't hand me the BS talking point that my paying to educated YOUR children serves the "greater good". Public education was created to serve corporate America. But, the philosophy was to not educate the children too much, or they will understand what's going on. Just the basics. Readin', writin' and 'rithmet. What the idiots didn't realize early on was that the reading, writing and arithmetic was the jumpstart for igniting the flame to learn more. Then, they came to realize that they didn't want to ignite the flame. So, they switched over to indoctrination programs. Meanwhile, my husband and I homeschool our sons, then send them to a private high school. And, yes, they also got degrees in college. We had two children. It's called "Zero Population Growth". I supported that group, until they got into politics. Then, I stopped. But, I still believe in Zero Population Growth. You see, we understood that carbon footprint back in the 70s. I'm no Democrat. I'm not even a Republican anymore. I'm a libertarian (small "l" ... no party affiliation). That's because I believe in ABSOLUTE freedom. I was born free, and have every intention of staying free. And, NO ... I won't leave this country. Our Founders were true libertarians. That is the country I was born into. I won't leave, because the statist socialist commies are the ones who want something other than what our Founders created. THEY should leave. My point is: I don't use the public schools. I have no use for them. I abhor them. They're government indoctrination centers. Therefore, I should NOT have to pay for someone else to have 5 or 10 kids, then want me to pay for their babysitters. I would have loved to have had 10 children. But, I knew that it would have been contributing to over-population. So, if YOU want the joy of a large family ... YOU pay the piper!
Don't hand me the BS talking point that my paying to educated YOUR children serves the "greater good". Public education was created to serve corporate America. But, the philosophy was to not educate the children too much, or they will understand what's going on. Just the basics. Readin', writin' and 'rithmet. What the idiots didn't realize early on was that the reading, writing and arithmetic was the jumpstart for igniting the flame to learn more. Then, they came to realize that they didn't want to ignite the flame. So, they switched over to indoctrination programs. Meanwhile, my husband and I homeschool our sons, then send them to a private high school. And, yes, they also got degrees in college. We had two children. It's called "Zero Population Growth". I supported that group, until they got into politics. Then, I stopped. But, I still believe in Zero Population Growth. You see, we understood that carbon footprint back in the 70s. I'm no Democrat. I'm not even a Republican anymore. I'm a libertarian (small "l" ... no party affiliation). That's because I believe in ABSOLUTE freedom. I was born free, and have every intention of staying free. And, NO ... I won't leave this country. Our Founders were true libertarians. That is the country I was born into. I won't leave, because the statist socialist commies are the ones who want something other than what our Founders created. THEY should leave. My point is: I don't use the public schools. I have no use for them. I abhor them. They're government indoctrination centers. Therefore, I should NOT have to pay for someone else to have 5 or 10 kids, then want me to pay for their babysitters. I would have loved to have had 10 children. But, I knew that it would have been contributing to over-population. So, if YOU want the joy of a large family ... YOU pay the piper!

Does that work both ways?

Because I don't fly, so me and mine shouldn't have any of our tax dollars going to the FAA.

I also don't believe in war, so stop taxing me to pay for our military.
And to think people question why people dont care to pay for patasites to watch tv all day. FAA keeps planes from crashing into your house. Blame education on the church (specifically the Kirk) it was their idea.
Don't hand me the BS talking point that my paying to educated YOUR children serves the "greater good". Public education was created to serve corporate America. But, the philosophy was to not educate the children too much, or they will understand what's going on. Just the basics. Readin', writin' and 'rithmet. What the idiots didn't realize early on was that the reading, writing and arithmetic was the jumpstart for igniting the flame to learn more. Then, they came to realize that they didn't want to ignite the flame. So, they switched over to indoctrination programs. Meanwhile, my husband and I homeschool our sons, then send them to a private high school. And, yes, they also got degrees in college. We had two children. It's called "Zero Population Growth". I supported that group, until they got into politics. Then, I stopped. But, I still believe in Zero Population Growth. You see, we understood that carbon footprint back in the 70s. I'm no Democrat. I'm not even a Republican anymore. I'm a libertarian (small "l" ... no party affiliation). That's because I believe in ABSOLUTE freedom. I was born free, and have every intention of staying free. And, NO ... I won't leave this country. Our Founders were true libertarians. That is the country I was born into. I won't leave, because the statist socialist commies are the ones who want something other than what our Founders created. THEY should leave. My point is: I don't use the public schools. I have no use for them. I abhor them. They're government indoctrination centers. Therefore, I should NOT have to pay for someone else to have 5 or 10 kids, then want me to pay for their babysitters. I would have loved to have had 10 children. But, I knew that it would have been contributing to over-population. So, if YOU want the joy of a large family ... YOU pay the piper!

Yea that "greater good". thing went out of style a while back....Now it's "worship the golden calf" ....History repeats itself.
Don't hand me the BS talking point that my paying to educated YOUR children serves the "greater good". Public education was created to serve corporate America. But, the philosophy was to not educate the children too much, or they will understand what's going on. Just the basics. Readin', writin' and 'rithmet. What the idiots didn't realize early on was that the reading, writing and arithmetic was the jumpstart for igniting the flame to learn more. Then, they came to realize that they didn't want to ignite the flame. So, they switched over to indoctrination programs. Meanwhile, my husband and I homeschool our sons, then send them to a private high school. And, yes, they also got degrees in college. We had two children. It's called "Zero Population Growth". I supported that group, until they got into politics. Then, I stopped. But, I still believe in Zero Population Growth. You see, we understood that carbon footprint back in the 70s. I'm no Democrat. I'm not even a Republican anymore. I'm a libertarian (small "l" ... no party affiliation). That's because I believe in ABSOLUTE freedom. I was born free, and have every intention of staying free. And, NO ... I won't leave this country. Our Founders were true libertarians. That is the country I was born into. I won't leave, because the statist socialist commies are the ones who want something other than what our Founders created. THEY should leave. My point is: I don't use the public schools. I have no use for them. I abhor them. They're government indoctrination centers. Therefore, I should NOT have to pay for someone else to have 5 or 10 kids, then want me to pay for their babysitters. I would have loved to have had 10 children. But, I knew that it would have been contributing to over-population. So, if YOU want the joy of a large family ... YOU pay the piper!

Oh, you are a Libertarian now. No wonder you skip the parts of the Constitution you don't like such as USA being a Country of taxation......

I was playing disc golf with a Libertarian that ran in my state a while back who told me "end all taxes". He was so stoned he left his bag every hole. I didn't have the heart to tell the poor small brain that he was playing a sport that uses taxation to help Americans get exercise...(even the poor ones!)..
Further, education in America shouldn't cost a dime TODAY. It's the sharing of information and nothing more. We can get just as educated online as we do in a school, maybe even more so.

Tests on education is a different issue. We have to have a way to prove someone is educated for job purposes.

Then again I've seen book smart people that are the biggest idiots in society and hard working hands that are much smarter, but not book smart. The new survivor (on tv) is a good example.
Does that work both ways?

Because I don't fly, so me and mine shouldn't have any of our tax dollars going to the FAA.

I also don't believe in war, so stop taxing me to pay for our military.

Without a military you'd be paying more than taxes for the military Goober. You'd likely be in one of your commie gulags.
Further, education in America shouldn't cost a dime TODAY.

The ”free lunch” thingy again from the keyboard of an idiot. ALL goods and services COST somebody something, Goober! Oh! That's right your an economic idiot, huh?
Don't hand me the BS talking point that my paying to educated YOUR children serves the "greater good". Public education was created to serve corporate America. But, the philosophy was to not educate the children too much, or they will understand what's going on. Just the basics. Readin', writin' and 'rithmet. What the idiots didn't realize early on was that the reading, writing and arithmetic was the jumpstart for igniting the flame to learn more. Then, they came to realize that they didn't want to ignite the flame. So, they switched over to indoctrination programs. Meanwhile, my husband and I homeschool our sons, then send them to a private high school. And, yes, they also got degrees in college. We had two children. It's called "Zero Population Growth". I supported that group, until they got into politics. Then, I stopped. But, I still believe in Zero Population Growth. You see, we understood that carbon footprint back in the 70s. I'm no Democrat. I'm not even a Republican anymore. I'm a libertarian (small "l" ... no party affiliation). That's because I believe in ABSOLUTE freedom. I was born free, and have every intention of staying free. And, NO ... I won't leave this country. Our Founders were true libertarians. That is the country I was born into. I won't leave, because the statist socialist commies are the ones who want something other than what our Founders created. THEY should leave. My point is: I don't use the public schools. I have no use for them. I abhor them. They're government indoctrination centers. Therefore, I should NOT have to pay for someone else to have 5 or 10 kids, then want me to pay for their babysitters. I would have loved to have had 10 children. But, I knew that it would have been contributing to over-population. So, if YOU want the joy of a large family ... YOU pay the piper!

Our founders were “libertarians,” (small l), but only for White Men with property. It actually took some amount of government to guarantee libertarianism to the diversity of races and women.

What matter is the carbon footprint and zero population in a world of hybrid viruses, nuclear power, endless wars, cosmic bombardments and a mortal solar sphere? Isn’t it simply a question of eventual demise by something, take your pick?

Actually our best and only hope is written down. Taxation for education is a State power. The Constitution says so! If you don’t like your State move to another one. If you can’t find one that suits your preferred kind of existence, tough shit! It doesn’t get any better than constitutional government because government will never go away and human idiots always get the governance they collectively deserve. It’s called life on earth.
Don't hand me the BS talking point that my paying to educated YOUR children serves the "greater good". Public education was created to serve corporate America. But, the philosophy was to not educate the children too much, or they will understand what's going on. Just the basics. Readin', writin' and 'rithmet. What the idiots didn't realize early on was that the reading, writing and arithmetic was the jumpstart for igniting the flame to learn more. Then, they came to realize that they didn't want to ignite the flame. So, they switched over to indoctrination programs. Meanwhile, my husband and I homeschool our sons, then send them to a private high school. And, yes, they also got degrees in college. We had two children. It's called "Zero Population Growth". I supported that group, until they got into politics. Then, I stopped. But, I still believe in Zero Population Growth. You see, we understood that carbon footprint back in the 70s. I'm no Democrat. I'm not even a Republican anymore. I'm a libertarian (small "l" ... no party affiliation). That's because I believe in ABSOLUTE freedom. I was born free, and have every intention of staying free. And, NO ... I won't leave this country. Our Founders were true libertarians. That is the country I was born into. I won't leave, because the statist socialist commies are the ones who want something other than what our Founders created. THEY should leave. My point is: I don't use the public schools. I have no use for them. I abhor them. They're government indoctrination centers. Therefore, I should NOT have to pay for someone else to have 5 or 10 kids, then want me to pay for their babysitters. I would have loved to have had 10 children. But, I knew that it would have been contributing to over-population. So, if YOU want the joy of a large family ... YOU pay the piper!

No - we all pay it because we are all one, whatever your weird fantasies. And if we don't see to the poor, man, they will certainly see to us, rightly. People who are robbed want it back!