Why Socialism?

Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai
by Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein is the world-famous physicist. This article was originally published in the first issue of Monthly Review (May 1949). It was subsequently published in May 1998 to commemorate the first issue of MR‘s fiftieth year.

The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is, in my opinion, the real source of the evil. We see before us a huge community of producers the members of which are unceasingly striving to deprive each other of the fruits of their collective labor—not by force, but on the whole in faithful compliance with legally established rules. In this respect, it is important to realize that the means of production—that is to say, the entire productive capacity that is needed for producing consumer goods as well as additional capital goods—may legally be, and for the most part are, the private property of individuals...................

Interesting read, bit tedious at times, but I can't say Albert has really added anything that hadn't been said before. His view is that of a early 20th Century European socialist, would be interesting today to hear what he might say regarding some of the Scandinavian nations and their social democracies

Everything today is a mixed economy, always comical how some conservatives don't realize that the US has been partially socialistic since the second half of the 19th Century

What I always found interesting is how some conservative who say they support capitalism also condemn globalism as a threat even though globalism is actually the further evolution of capitalism
What I always found interesting is how some conservative who say they support capitalism also condemn globalism as a threat even though globalism is actually the further evolution of capitalism

As I have always found it interesting that the liberals who fashion themselves champions of the poor are hell-bent on policies that have driven up the cost of living faster than lower class incomes.
As I have always found it interesting that the liberals who fashion themselves champions of the poor are hell-bent on policies that have driven up the cost of living faster than lower class incomes.

Interesting... please explain.
Interesting read, bit tedious at times, but I can't say Albert has really added anything that hadn't been said before. His view is that of a early 20th Century European socialist, would be interesting today to hear what he might say regarding some of the Scandinavian nations and their social democracies

Everything today is a mixed economy, always comical how some conservatives don't realize that the US has been partially socialistic since the second half of the 19th Century

What I always found interesting is how some conservative who say they support capitalism also condemn globalism as a threat even though globalism is actually the further evolution of capitalism

It depends on how you are defining socialism. We have a market based economy in America which is definitely not socialism. We don't have nationalized banks or oil companies which would be socialism.

We have public schools but conservatives are regularly accused of not funding them or trying to undermine them with school choice

We have S.S. and Medicare and conservatives are regularly accused of trying to kill those programs and the people on them

Firefighters and Police - don't hear too many complaints of conservatives trying to kill them off

Public Libraries - wait, they still exist?

Roads - Trump's infrastructure plan supposedly was going to include private-public partnerships which had liberals up in arms

So yeah those programs aren't all free market. But on the whole we have a much more market based economy that anywhere else in the civilized world and we are the world's economic superpower.
Interesting... please explain.

Take your choice. Higher minimum wages raise prices which adversely affects seniors on fixed incomes and poor people on benefits. It also incentivizes replacement of jobs with technology. Green energy has twice the capital cost of natural gas and only nominally cheaper production costs per kilowatt, and shocking electric rates are not getting cheaper
Take your choice. Higher minimum wages raise prices which adversely affects seniors on fixed incomes and poor people on benefits. It also incentivizes replacement of jobs with technology. Green energy has twice the capital cost of natural gas and only nominally cheaper production costs per kilowatt, and shocking electric rates are not getting cheaper

Ah, I see. As one of my favorite authors was fond of repeating: TANSTAAFL -- There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

Everything we do, whether as a group or as an individual, comes with a price tag. Like the reusable grocery sacks I take to the store. What materials went into making them? Some have plastic linings so there must be some petrochemicals in there. What of the cost to wash them every so often? When they eventually fall apart can they be recycled, or do they go into the waste stream and into a landfill?

You can drive yourself crazy(ier) pondering this stuff.
Scandinavian nations are seem to me socialistic to some level. But, USA? No! I don't understand why people think that the US has been partially socialistic since the second half of the 19th Century .
Ah, I see. As one of my favorite authors was fond of repeating: TANSTAAFL -- There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

Everything we do, whether as a group or as an individual, comes with a price tag. Like the reusable grocery sacks I take to the store. What materials went into making them? Some have plastic linings so there must be some petrochemicals in there. What of the cost to wash them every so often? When they eventually fall apart can they be recycled, or do they go into the waste stream and into a landfill?

You can drive yourself crazy(ier) pondering this stuff.

Your response is tantamount to "Screw the seniors citizens and poor people. Taht's the price we pay." That is the point I was originally making--liberals who fashion themselves champions of the poor are hell-bent on policies that have driven up the cost of living faster than lower class incomes.
Your response is tantamount to "Screw the seniors citizens and poor people. Taht's the price we pay." That is the point I was originally making--liberals who fashion themselves champions of the poor are hell-bent on policies that have driven up the cost of living faster than lower class incomes.

I'm aware that my response sounds heartless. Life itself is often that way. As for those on fixed incomes, like we are, that is supposedly addressed by the social security COLA. The reality is though, that doesn't help much... especially because the increase in income happens after the increase in prices. What policies would benefit seniors and low-income ppl, in your opinion?
Scandinavian nations are seem to me socialistic to some level. But, USA? No! I don't understand why people think that the US has been partially socialistic since the second half of the 19th Century .

We lump our money together, via taxation, in order to fund public things used by all or most citizens: public schools, highways, police and fire depts., local and national government functions like the military and agencies like the USDA and EPA that work to keep us safe. Social security and Medicare are socialist in nature.
Your response is tantamount to "Screw the seniors citizens and poor people. Taht's the price we pay." That is the point I was originally making--liberals who fashion themselves champions of the poor are hell-bent on policies that have driven up the cost of living faster than lower class incomes.

Don't you people ever get tired of that bullshit?

EVERYONE should have enough for a decent life.

BUT FOR CERTAIN EVERYONE ACTUALLY WORKING should have enough for a decent life.

Why should one of the essentials of the factors of production (labor) always be the first to be screwed?

Why should "capital" always be the prime recipient of the benefits of society?

Stop pretending to be a champion of the people by telling them to take what scraps they are given and being grateful for it.
Ronald Reagan compared Medicare to "socialism".

Obviously, we live in a hybrid economy, and unless we want to go back to a barter economy, the "free" markets we have simply would not function without the massive public investments in infrastructure, science, education, and social welfare. I would even say that a large chunk of our economy is propped up by the government through trillions of dollars spent on the military industrial complex.

Really, capitalism and socialism are just words on paper, and reality is much more complex than can be grasped by a trisyllabic word. Growing up, I had a unique insight into these themes, and I knew personally or heard stories of the generation that was pro-Tsarist and white Russian. On the flip side, family stories and older relatives still living who still have an affinity for some of the old socialist ideals and find pure capitalism immoral and abhorrent. Stories of fighting on the barricades in Moscow during the 1905 revolution...riveting!

What it really comes down to is if one thinks we are all in this together....or, if it's every man for himself.

I actually think if you parachuted all the so-called "self reliant" rightwing message boarders into Bangladesh with nothing but the clothes on their back, they would probably starve to death.
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Don't you people ever get tired of that bullshit?

EVERYONE should have enough for a decent life.

BUT FOR CERTAIN EVERYONE ACTUALLY WORKING should have enough for a decent life.

Why should one of the essentials of the factors of production (labor) always be the first to be screwed?

Why should "capital" always be the prime recipient of the benefits of society?

Stop pretending to be a champion of the people by telling them to take what scraps they are given and being grateful for it.

Writing in big bold text shows your ignorance. The reason the lower class incomes are flat is because what you support has not worked. That the flat income makes it harder to survive is because of what I have spoken. Put your fingers in your ears and yell some more. At least you won't have to listen to the cries of your victims.
Writing in big bold text shows your ignorance. The reason the lower class incomes are flat is because what you support has not worked. That the flat income makes it harder to survive is because of what I have spoken. Put your fingers in your ears and yell some more. At least you won't have to listen to the cries of your victims.

For you...the wrong text was bolded. Allow me to correct that:

Don't you people ever get tired of that bullshit?
For you...the wrong text was bolded. Allow me to correct that:

Don't you people ever get tired of that bullshit?

What big letters for someone who writes with crayons. You'll get an award from somebody no doubt.

If the system is failing people then the current welfare regimen is failing people because IT IS PART OF THE SYSTEM
What big letters for someone who writes with crayons.

If you are going to insult someone's writing abilities...you should do it with a more coherent sentence than the one you just offered, Kacper. Unless you are attempting to be amusing. (I doubt you were, but I was amused.)

You'll get an award from somebody no doubt.

Back when one had to work to get an opinion published, I was awarded...by newspapers like the New York Times...and by national magazines like Newsweek and Time.

Now, people like you get published on line because you own a computer.

If the system is failing people then the current welfare regimen is failing people because IT IS PART OF THE SYSTEM

So instead of answering the questions I asked, you insulted my writing abilities...which seem far superior to yours.


The kind of capitalism we have right now is failing us. We can do much better. And one way we can do that is by introducing more elements favored by socialists...and perhaps curtailing some favored by capitalists.
If you are going to insult someone's writing abilities...you should do it with a more coherent sentence than the one you just offered, Kacper. Unless you are attempting to be amusing. (I doubt you were, but I was amused.)

Back when one had to work to get an opinion published, I was awarded...by newspapers like the New York Times...and by national magazines like Newsweek and Time.

Now, people like you get published on line because you own a computer.

So instead of answering the questions I asked, you insulted my writing abilities...which seem far superior to yours.


The kind of capitalism we have right now is failing us. We can do much better. And one way we can do that is by introducing more elements favored by socialists...and perhaps curtailing some favored by capitalists.

Playing the same song over and over again is a symptom of intellectual inbreeding, Banjo Boy. Find a new tune.
Playing the same song over and over again is a symptom of intellectual inbreeding, Banjo Boy. Find a new tune.

Ahhh...how refreshing. You managed to work your childish insult into a coherent sentence this time. The thought was as foolish as ever...but it was presented in a grammatically correct form for a change.

Good. Working together we may improve you to the point where your gaffs will be almost unnoticeable.

How was that for a new tune?