Why the paranoia?

Now the moonbats are claiming there's a Blackwater/Halliburton plot to murder Obama:


Then the usual conspiracy nuts chime in:


A dash of anti-Semitism leavens this nutroot bunch:


Then, we have See-BS morning propaganda show host Harry Smith asking Ted Kennedy (somewhat insensitively, I think) about the possibility of Obama becoming a martyr: "When you see that enthusiasm though, and when you see the generational change that seems to be taking place before our eyes, does it make you at all fearful? I just, I think what I was trying to say is, sometimes agents of change end of being targets, as you well know, and that was why I was asking if you were at all fearful of that."

Leftist academia is also anticipating a visit from the harbinger of death: "For many black supporters, there is a lot of anxiety that he will be killed, and it is on people's minds. You can't make a prediction like this, like he has a fifty percent chance of getting shot. But the greater his visibility and the greater his access to people, there is a danger," squeals Melissa Harris-Lacewell form her ivory tower.

Times have changed. Plus, this guy's not even close to being a Malcom X or MLK, except in the fevered imaginations of his worshipful acolytes.
a subsegment of Blackwater is used for undercover govt operations.

Using Blackwater in Iraq has enabled them to hide in the open.
the reason this comes up is because we don't trust your side.

how bout i put it like this... we trust you will do the same things you've done in the past.