Why they hate us


Iraqi Mother Vows Revenge on US: How She Lost Her Husband and Her Sons

"..."They shot him dead with six bullets in the head and many more in the body," says his mother.

Um Saad says it was at this point she began to hate the Americans: "I do not look on them as human beings." Her priority was to try to save her three surviving children. She was particularly worried about Saif, 17 and in his fifth year in secondary school, because many of his friends had joined al-Qa'ida in Iraq. Um Saad thought it would be safest if Saif went to Syria and she enticed him to go there at the end of 2006 by telling him that his cousin Mariam, whose family had already fled there, was in love with him and wanted to marry him."

She should calm down. I can't understand her anger. The american military didn't intentionally target her family. It was just an accident. A boo-boo if you will.
Just colateral damage. You can't make an omlet without breaking a few eggs.
After all it is not like the families of 911 victims hate OBL is it ?
She should calm down. I can't understand her anger. The american military didn't intentionally target her family. It was just an accident. A boo-boo if you will.

But if they weren't there it wouldn't have happened. Fact is that the occupation forces are killing folks, bad, good and uninvolved. They should just get out.
But if they weren't there it wouldn't have happened. Fact is that the occupation forces are killing folks, bad, good and uninvolved. They should just get out.

I know. I was being sarcastic, brother aussie. If my family were dead because of this, I'd be pissed whether the killing was intentional or not.
I'm not worried about the minority of Iraqis who hate our country.
The enemy within is of greater concern to me...
I know. I was being sarcastic, brother aussie. If my family were dead because of this, I'd be pissed whether the killing was intentional or not.

My apologies, sometimes I miss the subtlety in a post. My defence is that in most political forums subtlety is an endangered animal :o
But if they weren't there it wouldn't have happened. Fact is that the occupation forces are killing folks, bad, good and uninvolved. They should just get out.

Yep, killing everyone they come across, that's been clear from the start. :rolleyes:
I think collateral is the key word here. If we abandon Iraq we lose our collateral in the world oil market.

every empire reaches a point where they cant hold it all together. We're getting there.
maybe it would be cheaper in the long run to buy the oil instead of taking it.
Soldiers are human. When innocent blood is spilled, a soldier carries that loss in the heart for life. The World has never known conflict minus civilian casualties. We have never known suffering on the scale that our grandparents experienced or witnessed during the big wars, and I pray we never will. I won't argue on the virtue of this war. For better or worse, the American people have made up their minds. They want this war over. I just hope that when we depart, the Iraqis are strong enough to protect the Iraqi people from the dangers that could follow our departure. I have met many Iraqis and I think on them often. I hope that all their sacrifices will end with a better future for their sons and daughters. We can't change the past, but we can still influence their tomorrow.
Yep, killing everyone they come across, that's been clear from the start. :rolleyes:

I didn't say that Kathianne, that makes it sound like I think they doing this with malice aforethought. I didn't allege that, nor do I think it. I simply stated that the occupation military is killing people. Some of those people are insurgents, some are not insurgents. And that's a fact. They are doing so because when you are in an occupation force that's what you have to do. If the occupation military weren't there then they wouldn't have to kill anyone.

BushCheney, as has been said elsewhere, is running down the clock.
I didn't say that Kathianne, that makes it sound like I think they doing this with malice aforethought. I didn't allege that, nor do I think it. I simply stated that the occupation military is killing people. Some of those people are insurgents, some are not insurgents. And that's a fact. They are doing so because when you are in an occupation force that's what you have to do. If the occupation military weren't there then they wouldn't have to kill anyone.

BushCheney, as has been said elsewhere, is running down the clock.

To imply that the military has been killing non-insurgents in significant numbers since air bombings early on, would be wrong. Now if you are arguing that non-combatants are being killed by insurgents, assuming they wouldn't be if the US military wasn't there, that would be an argument.

Even human rights organizations have given kudos to the military for risking the lives of their own, to protect civilians.
To imply that the military has been killing non-insurgents in significant numbers since air bombings early on, would be wrong. Now if you are arguing that non-combatants are being killed by insurgents, assuming they wouldn't be if the US military wasn't there, that would be an argument.

Even human rights organizations have given kudos to the military for risking the lives of their own, to protect civilians.

I try not to imply, I prefer to be up front.

I'm stating that insurgents are being killed. I'm stating that non-insurgents are being killed. I'm stating that the occupation forces (not just the US military) are killing them.

I'm not hammering the military. I can't begin to imagine how my underpants would bunch up if I were stuck in that situation. I have no military service or experience. But it seems to me that for the military if they were out on what passes for the battlefield these days, it would be pretty straightforward. The enemy has a different uniform. See them, deal with them. But in Iraq, because of the nature of the situation, the enemy isn't known.

A car races up to a checkpoint. Is it a suicide bomber? Is it a shitty driver?
The car contains a man and a woman. Are they a couple? Do they have kids in the car? Or are they committed suicide bombers? How the hell is anyone going to make a split decision as to shoot/don't shoot?

I'm not talking about revenge raids of raping and murdering which are obviously criminal. I'm thinking about the poor bastards in uniform who have been trained to kill the enemy but who can't work out who the enemy is.

Our governments (well, not mine so much) are dawdling. There is no progress being made on a withdrawal. That is because there are no plans for a withdrawal. The military - your military - are being used to serve corporate interests. The military will stay in Iraq as long as is needed to ensure that Iraq's oil is controlled, not crudely by use of force, but by legal contracts, by US oil interests. Until that is achieved then your military and the military of other countries who are in there for whatever reason, will continue to kill insurgents and non-insurgents.
I try not to imply, I prefer to be up front.

I'm stating that insurgents are being killed. I'm stating that non-insurgents are being killed. I'm stating that the occupation forces (not just the US military) are killing them.

I'm not hammering the military. I can't begin to imagine how my underpants would bunch up if I were stuck in that situation. I have no military service or experience. But it seems to me that for the military if they were out on what passes for the battlefield these days, it would be pretty straightforward. The enemy has a different uniform. See them, deal with them. But in Iraq, because of the nature of the situation, the enemy isn't known.

A car races up to a checkpoint. Is it a suicide bomber? Is it a shitty driver?
The car contains a man and a woman. Are they a couple? Do they have kids in the car? Or are they committed suicide bombers? How the hell is anyone going to make a split decision as to shoot/don't shoot?

I'm not talking about revenge raids of raping and murdering which are obviously criminal. I'm thinking about the poor bastards in uniform who have been trained to kill the enemy but who can't work out who the enemy is.

Our governments (well, not mine so much) are dawdling. There is no progress being made on a withdrawal. That is because there are no plans for a withdrawal. The military - your military - are being used to serve corporate interests. The military will stay in Iraq as long as is needed to ensure that Iraq's oil is controlled, not crudely by use of force, but by legal contracts, by US oil interests. Until that is achieved then your military and the military of other countries who are in there for whatever reason, will continue to kill insurgents and non-insurgents.
All the oil companies are multi-national. It isn't just US interests being served, however the politicians are taking orders from their masters.
every empire reaches a point where they cant hold it all together. We're getting there.
maybe it would be cheaper in the long run to buy the oil instead of taking it.

Ya Think ? I figure if not for the war oil would be about $75 right now.