Why we can afford to cut military spending

Interesting article, I especially enjoyed the part where the US spends 19 times as much on war preparation(defense) as they do on war prevention
I say why not cut military spending? How about we start with the military equipment we are giving to Egypt.
That is a nice chunk of change right there, 20 F16 fighter jets and 200 Abrams tanks.
I say why not cut military spending? How about we start with the military equipment we are giving to Egypt.
That is a nice chunk of change right there, 20 F16 fighter jets and 200 Abrams tanks.
We give about twice that to Israel, how bout we cut it all and save three times as much.
We give about twice that to Israel, how bout we cut it all and save three times as much.

Israel has been an ally a long time. How about we not arm their enemies? How about we take notice of Iran and Egypt's
new found relationship? It is not supposed to be kiss ass we are playing over in the Middle East. Egypt's new government is in no way an ally to USA and actually holds political views that are very anti-american. Think about it.
Heaven forbid that we shouldn’t have enough military hardware to kill the whole fucking world over again and again at least 20 times. Just ask any neo-con!

We have 11 nuclear powered aircraft carriers. The rest of the world together has NONE. Oh! That’s right, China is building one.

We have enough Admirals & Generals to supply every armed force on planet earth with adequate military leadership and still have too many left over for our own military.

We have military bases in more than 120 other countries, no other country even comes close to that.

Could this be the “Military Industrial Complex” that old Ike warned us about?????
Oh! That’s right America doesn’t listen well to warnings, huh?

“Peaceful commerce with all, entangling military alliances with none.” (George Washington) The neo-cons original so-called “isolationist”

Fact is, isolationism is commercial & military avoidance. Thus, isolationism is what the left & right do when they sanction other nations. They simply prove their hypocrisy when they rail against what they ignorantly misidentify as libertarian isolationism.
Oh! That’s right America doesn’t listen well to warnings, huh?

“Peaceful commerce with all, entangling military alliances with none.” (George Washington) The neo-cons original so-called “isolationist”

Fact is, isolationism is commercial & military avoidance. Thus, isolationism is what the left & right do when they sanction other nations. They simply prove their hypocrisy when they rail against what they ignorantly misidentify as libertarian isolationism.

It was Jefferson, not Washington, to whom that quote belongs. But otherwise; THIS.^^^^^
It was in Washington's Farewell Address. It can either be attributed to him, because he said it, or to Hamilton, because he wrote and edited much of the speech. It cannot be attributed to fucking Jefferson.

I've seen several quotes attributing it to Jefferson. No need to hate Threedee, we all know you have a Jefferson blowup doll stashed under your bed.