Why We Need our Guns


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Riots going on in Brooklyn NY should make it perfectly clear why we need to keep our guns. I was right in the middle of the Rodney King riots while working and I did legally carry a gun where I worked.
Sounds like they have good reason to be upset. I am not afraid of black people protesting. Obviously you are.
Protesting and rioting are not the same. I believe that this guy in California, Chris Dorner, probably had good cause to be upset with the LAPD(Cops) but he went over the edge of no return once he killed that Asian girl and her boyfriend. His actions showed me that he could not control his temper and probably was targeted to be booted out of the LAPD because of his temper, so they might have set him up for "failure", who knows. As far as Black people go, my best friend in Army Basic Training at Fort Polk, Louisiana was Black, so you are wrong there. I had an older good friend of mine who was a retired Police Detective in the San Fernando Valley tell me that they had, in the past, planted a discarded handgun on a suspect if they were sure he had previously had the gun, but ditched it. Why don't you and your friends start a website where people with Cop complaints can state their cases? There should be a lot of Police brutality cases posted. Call it CopOut.com or something like that. I was in Redlands, Ca. just below where they shot it out with Dorner in the Mountains the day before, and he obviously passed near where I live in Menifee, Ca. to get from San Diego to the mountains using the 15 Freeway to Corona, then the 91 Freeway to Riverside, then the 10 to Redlands and the San Bernardino Mountains probably via Yucaipa . All of US out in the Boonies have guns, because we never know what's next, and the Cops will never get to US in time on a 911 call, that is just the way it is. You folks in NY are just different from US and so be it. I would be willing to bet that there will be NO new gun Legislation passed whatsoever. Give the gun grabbers an inch and they will take a mile. Senators Lautenberg and Schumer have openly stated in the past that they eventually want to get all the guns.
So do people outdoors on a cold night...but you first thought of "terrorists" and that speaks VOLUMES about you and your racist tendencies.

If New York protests are anything like San Francisco or Oakland protests my first thought was anarchists because that is what the anarchists who attack property here wear. Now many anarchists out here are white so I base my observation not on race but on clothing styles.

And I don't think using the term terrorist has anything to do with racial tendencies, at least in this case. I've read white anarchists in the Bay referred to terrorists as well. It's the action that gets referred to not the race of the people doing it.
So do people outdoors on a cold night...but you first thought of "terrorists" and that speaks VOLUMES about you and your racist tendencies.
Maybe they were just out shooting craps or tap dancing, and not rioting, so I beg for forgiveness....LOL...PS, you lost that bet on who favored you and who favored me, when you gonna pay up Zappy?
Sounds like they have good reason to be upset. I am not afraid of black people protesting. Obviously you are.
It's because protesting can quickly turret into rioting. And in case it's not obvious, rioting isn't good for anyone. Stores vandalized, people assaulted and killed, people terrified.
So do people outdoors on a cold night...but you first thought of "terrorists" and that speaks VOLUMES about you and your racist tendencies.

The most “racist” people in America are the blacks and the white leftist that keep the blacks impoverished by bribing & teaching them how to surrender their dignity, self-worth, self-reliance and personal responsibility to reliance on BIG government. The leftist are America’s modern day slave owners. And they’ve created the likes of the “race baiters” Jessie Jackson & Al Sharpton the black’s task masters.
"No man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
Thomas Jefferson