Why we need Voter ID laws


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When groups sue to block photo-ID laws in court, they can’t seem to produce real-world examples of people who have actually been denied the right to vote. According to opinion polls, over 75 percent of Americans — including majorities of Hispanics and African-Americans — routinely support such laws.

One reason is that people know you can’t function in the modern world without showing ID — you can’t cash a check, travel by plane or even train, or rent a video without being asked for one. In fact, PJ Media recently proved that you can’t even enter the Justice Department in Washington without showing a photo ID. Average voters understand that it’s only common sense to require ID because of how easy it is for people to pretend they are someone else

Support voter ID laws. Don't allow liberals the ability to further voter fraud.
ad hominemmmmmmmmmmmm right out the gate. no addressing any of the points raised in the article. well done dungheap.
ad hominemmmmmmmmmmmm right out the gate. no addressing any of the points raised in the article. well done dungheap.

I didn't read the article and won't read it. If you want to post something thoughtful and informative about voter ID laws go ahead, but you won't find it in the National Review, which was last heard of discovering that the person it employed for over a decade turned out to be a raging racist. How could they have known!?!

To the extent there are any good reasons for Voter ID laws, the actual Voter ID laws that Republicans actually propose are without exception bad due to gaping loopholes that just so happen to favor traditionally Republican voting demographics.
I didn't read the article and won't read it. If you want to post something thoughtful and informative about voter ID laws go ahead, but you won't find it in the National Review, which was last heard of discovering that the person it employed for over a decade turned out to be a raging racist. How could they have known!?!

To the extent there are any good reasons for Voter ID laws, the actual Voter ID laws that Republicans actually propose are without exception bad due to gaping loopholes that just so happen to favor traditionally Republican voting demographics.

interesting how people choose to ignore certain news sources because of bias, yet in just the other thread you stated nbc and other outlets are biased, but I don't see you ignoring them. why is that?
interesting how people choose to ignore certain news sources because of bias, yet in just the other thread you stated nbc and other outlets are biased, but I don't see you ignoring them. why is that?

I do ignore NBC. You maybe missed the part in that thread where I suggested that leaningright abstain from CNN, FOX and MSNBC and get his news elsewhere. That National Review is a right-wing opinion magazine. It is written for a particular audience of which I am not a member. It's conservaporn, just like the stuff published by The Nation and the American Prospect (and Harpers when it does political stuff) are for left-wingers.

I do think it's funny to post a National Review piece so quickly on the heels of the Derbyshire incident, though. Hence, the original LOL.
We need voter ID because so many liberal voters don't know where they live.......if they had an ID card they could pull it out and look up the address.....then they could find their way home......
eric holder says there is no voter fraud....

In a shocking new video exclusive to Breitbart.com, James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas demonstrates to the Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder, just why he should be concerned about lack of voter ID laws – by walking into Holder’s voting precinct and showing the world that anyone can obtain Eric Holder’s ballot. Literally.
ad hominemmmmmmmmmmmm right out the gate. no addressing any of the points raised in the article. well done dungheap.
He's right. There a partisan source so they have no credibility. The Voter ID laws are a solution in search of a problem. THERE IS NO VAST PROBLEM WITH VOTER FRAUD IN THIS NATION!!!! If liberals can't provide "real world" examples of people being denied the right to vote that satisfies the National Review, neither can you provide valid evidence of endemic voter fraud.

Republican photo ID laws are just a cynical effort to reduce voter turnout in demographics that don't typically vote Republican. End of story.
Did anyone cast a ballot as Eric Holder? If not, why not?

Doing it on TV might be a bit foolish. Had they been doing this outside of that context it is possible they may have, considering there is literally no evidence collected against them. However, publishing evidence of your own crime can be problematic.

We have a system where the literal only check of citizenship is a little Yes box next to the question asking "are you a citizen" on the form. Nobody asks for identification, the only ID You need bring to vote is a copy of a utility bill, never identification, and you think they didn't cast the ballot because they couldn't have?

Had they not been otherwise publishing the attempt there would be zero consequences as it is illegal to collect any evidence against them. We don't let people come in with cameras, cell phones are not allowed because they can be used as cameras, we can't check ID. What evidence could have been used against them had they not been publishing the event?
Doing it on TV might be a bit foolish. Had they been doing this outside of that context it is possible they may have, considering there is literally no evidence collected against them. However, publishing evidence of your own crime can be problematic.

No would have sufficed. And it's OK to say that casting a single ballot isn't worth a felony conviction, a fine of up to $10,000 and up to a five year stint in federal prison.

We have a system where the literal only check of citizenship is a little Yes box next to the question asking "are you a citizen" on the form. Nobody asks for identification, the only ID You need bring to vote is a copy of a utility bill, never identification, and you think they didn't cast the ballot because they couldn't have?

They didn't cast a ballot because it isn't worth it.

Had they not been otherwise publishing the attempt there would be zero consequences as it is illegal to collect any evidence against them. We don't let people come in with cameras, cell phones are not allowed because they can be used as cameras, we can't check ID. What evidence could have been used against them had they not been publishing the event?

Speculation. We know that they didn't cast an illegal ballot and we know why they didn't cast an illegal ballot (because they didn't want to break the law and suffer the consequences). Whether they would have casted an illegal ballot in the absence of their cameras is speculation. If you want to speculate, you should ask whether they would actually try to cast an illegal ballot in the first instance in the absence of the cameras.

Voter impersonation just isn't worth it, even if the risk is minimal.
He's right. There a partisan source so they have no credibility. The Voter ID laws are a solution in search of a problem. THERE IS NO VAST PROBLEM WITH VOTER FRAUD IN THIS NATION!!!! If liberals can't provide "real world" examples of people being denied the right to vote that satisfies the National Review, neither can you provide valid evidence of endemic voter fraud.

Republican photo ID laws are just a cynical effort to reduce voter turnout in demographics that don't typically vote Republican. End of story.

given the fact no one is bothering to check if the people voting are who they say they are, what are the odds of finding a case of someone voting who wasn't who they said they were?.....
it would have been interesting to see the look on Holder's face if he had shown up to vote and they told him he already had......
No would have sufficed. And it's OK to say that casting a single ballot isn't worth a felony conviction, a fine of up to $10,000 and up to a five year stint in federal prison.

They didn't cast a ballot because it isn't worth it.

Speculation. We know that they didn't cast an illegal ballot and we know why they didn't cast an illegal ballot (because they didn't want to break the law and suffer the consequences). Whether they would have casted an illegal ballot in the absence of their cameras is speculation. If you want to speculate, you should ask whether they would actually try to cast an illegal ballot in the first instance in the absence of the cameras.

Voter impersonation just isn't worth it, even if the risk is minimal.

None of this changes what I stated. Literally none of it. It is long-winded, and attempts to sound rational but it doesn't change the reality of anything that I stated.

You don't want there to be checks on the legality of votes, we understand that.

The reality is:

In states where voter ID has been passed minority voters have increased, yes increased, by a larger margin than in states where it has not passed. It doesn't stop people from voting, it brings an assurance in the ballot that is otherwise missing and creates a credibility that is also missing.
None of this changes what I stated. Literally none of it. It is long-winded, and attempts to sound rational but it doesn't change the reality of anything that I stated.

Long-winded? You want to put my word count up against yours?

You don't want there to be checks on the legality of votes, we understand that.

Nice straw man you've got there. You'd maybe have a point if Voter ID laws were actually a check on the legality of all votes. They aren't.

The reality is:

In states where voter ID has been passed minority voters have increased, yes increased, by a larger margin than in states where it has not passed. It doesn't stop people from voting, it brings an assurance in the ballot that is otherwise missing and creates a credibility that is also missing.


It doesn't bring any "assurance in the ballot" at all and there was no credibility "missing." People who want to commit voter fraud are going to continue to abuse the absentee ballot process and to fuck with the vote counting process, which is where you'll find most fraud anyway.