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I regard myself as a normal, reasonable, average White (Anglo - Australian) adult. I have never broken the law in my country (except for minor stuff like speeding fines when I was younger) I worked for over 40 years as a chemistry teacher and a pharmacist and paid my taxes. I am not violent or antisocial (except when I am sometimes winding up DUMMYCRATS on this forum !). I was taught as a child to be courteous and well-mannered in public by my parents. I have not led a morally unblemished life though, as among other things, I was a rampant 'womaniser' as a young man in my 20s, and so were all of my mates (but I prefer to think that this was mostly a function cultural and environmental factors, as I was living on the East Coast of Queensland amidst famous tourist beaches full of hot, bikini girls, etc; also, if you didn't chase after girls in those days, you could be suspected of being a "pansy"; Australia was a very homophobic place back then, and male homosexuality was still a criminal offence in 1980).

So, I am, I think, a pretty average Australian male adult - merely another member of the lower- middle class in the Anglosphere. I guess I was quite privileged in the sense I had responsible parents who taught me right from wrong and all of the other social skills I would need to slot harmoniously into mainstream Australian society. My supervisors told me I was competent in my work, but I never really notched up any stunning achievements of any kind in work or sport or in the community. Personally, I regard my son and daughter as amazing achievements but all (well, most) parents think that their biological offspring are awesome "creations").

The one thing I wanted to say is that I would not regard myself as batshit-crazy, for example, I am not a bone fide socialist or a Marxist, and I think a politician who implements a policy to put tampons in boys rest-rooms has got quite a few screws loose.

I also know the (moral) RIGHT from the (moral) WRONG. Cruelty to animals is WRONG. Lying and DECEIVING are WRONG. Speaking HONESTLY and TRUTHFULLY is RIGHTEOUS Permitting abortions to be performed late in the third trimester of pregnancy is WRONG. Ditto the deliberate killing of a newborn infant. Likewise teaching school students Critical Race Theory (CRT) is WRONG because it is inherently racist .

Basically I know the precepts of Judeo-Christian morality, I think the are a very good set of guidelines for how to live life, and I TRY to stick to how they say I should and SHOULD NOT behave. I often fall short of the mark, but at least I trust that these moral standards are objective, and thus I can always strive to do better in future.

There are millions of Australian adults of British (English) descent, likewise American adults. During the Founding - era the 13 colonies the British settled on the Atlantic coast of North America were predominantly English. The colonists all spoke English and English culture prevailed. Australia was first colonised by English (convicts ans free settlers) in 1788. The mostly English members or the 13 colonies won their independence after defeating the British Crown in the Revolutionary War (1775 - 1783). I believe that the way people think, their culture , their general world-view has a strong genetic component. So I think that there a substantial parallel in the way that Australian and Americans of ENGLISH DESCENT think;, what values they hold, what they believe, what they judge to be beautiful or ugly, good or bad, how they perceive the flow of time, and so on.

My theory is that it also means there are MILLIONS of normal, reasonable, average Americans of ENGLISH DESCENT who are much like me (on the brief description I provided of myself).

To get to the point...if our current federal, Labor government in Canberra opened Australia's borders to unrestricted, un-vetted, illegal immigration from the Third World, the ordinary member of the electorate (whether they were "Democrat" or "Republican") would go "ballistic". There would be giant, hostile protests and demonstrations (soon escalating to riots) outside Parliament House DEMANDING an immediate closure of the border.

Yet in America, President Joe Biden deliberately opened the Southern Border (and Northern Border) to an unrestricted flood of of un-vetted illegal aliens from the Third World, and over the past 3 1/2 years has allowed some 20 million illegal immigrants into the United States. This suicidal opening of America's Southern Border is an example of the Democrat Party applying the "Plowden-Piven Strategy" ( named after a 1966 Manifesto authored two American Marxist political theorists/social scientists: Andrew Plowden and Frances Fox-Piven).

The idea of the original Clowden - Piven strategy was to hasten the fall of American capitalism by overloading the Welfare system via enrolling large numbers - as many as it takes to overwhelm and strain the system until it collapses. The collapse of the state Welfare bureaucracies precipitates economic/political crisis and social crisis/conflict. This provides an excuse for the federal government to implement socialist big government economic policies, notably wealth redistribution and a Universal Basic Income. Biden is applying the Plowden-Piven strategy through the open Southern Border. The millions of illegal aliens that arrive in America a put on Welfare and this will inevitably bankrupt the social services bureaucracy, creating economic collapse, political and social crisis that will allow a Democrat government to break American capitalism.

But most ordinary Americans of English descent would not be aware that Biden was enabling his minders to implement the basic idea of the Clowden-Piven strategy in order to collapse American capitalism and reduce the US to a Soviet state. That's beside the point. If you are aware that millions and millions of unvetted Third World illegal aliens are pouring into into your country you KNOW that this is WRONG - VERY WRONG --and you know that it must be stopped immediately, or there will be catastrophic (terminal) consequences.

But has there, since Jan 20th , 2021, been one single, large-scale, organised protest or demonstration against Biden's Open Southern border by Americans of English descent ? The answer is "NO." In fact there's been no expression of public dissent by average, reasonable, White Americans on any scale at all. They have just sat passively and watched this OUTRAGE take place for approaching four years.

WHY ????

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
I regard myself as a normal, reasonable, average White (Anglo - Australian) adult. I have never broken the law in my country (except for minor stuff like speeding fines when I was younger) I worked for over 40 years as a chemistry teacher and a pharmacist and paid my taxes. I am not violent or antisocial (except when I am sometimes winding up DUMMYCRATS on this forum !). I was taught as a child to be courteous and well-mannered in public by my parents. I have not led a morally unblemished life though, as among other things, I was a rampant 'womaniser' as a young man in my 20s, and so were all of my mates (but I prefer to think that this was mostly a function cultural and environmental factors, as I was living on the East Coast of Queensland amidst famous tourist beaches full of hot, bikini girls, etc; also, if you didn't chase after girls in those days, you could be suspected of being a "pansy"; Australia was a very homophobic place back then, and male homosexuality was still a criminal offence in 1980).

So, I am, I think, a pretty average Australian male adult - merely another member of the lower- middle class in the Anglosphere. I guess I was quite privileged in the sense I had responsible parents who taught me right from wrong and all of the other social skills I would need to slot harmoniously into mainstream Australian society. My supervisors told me I was competent in my work, but I never really notched up any stunning achievements of any kind in work or sport or in the community. Personally, I regard my son and daughter as amazing achievements but all (well, most) parents think that their biological offspring are awesome "creations").

The one thing I wanted to say is that I would not regard myself as batshit-crazy, for example, I am not a bone fide socialist or a Marxist, and I think a politician who implements a policy to put tampons in boys rest-rooms has got quite a few screws loose.

I also know the (moral) RIGHT from the (moral) WRONG. Cruelty to animals is WRONG. Lying and DECEIVING are WRONG. Speaking HONESTLY and TRUTHFULLY is RIGHTEOUS Permitting abortions to be performed late in the third trimester of pregnancy is WRONG. Ditto the deliberate killing of a newborn infant. Likewise teaching school students Critical Race Theory (CRT) is WRONG because it is inherently racist .

Basically I know the precepts of Judeo-Christian morality, I think the are a very good set of guidelines for how to live life, and I TRY to stick to how they say I should and SHOULD NOT behave. I often fall short of the mark, but at least I trust that these moral standards are objective, and thus I can always strive to do better in future.

There are millions of Australian adults of British (English) descent, likewise American adults. During the Founding - era the 13 colonies the British settled on the Atlantic coast of North America were predominantly English. The colonists all spoke English and English culture prevailed. Australia was first colonised by English (convicts ans free settlers) in 1788. The mostly English members or the 13 colonies won their independence after defeating the British Crown in the Revolutionary War (1775 - 1783). I believe that the way people think, their culture , their general world-view has a strong genetic component. So I think that there a substantial parallel in the way that Australian and Americans of ENGLISH DESCENT think;, what values they hold, what they believe, what they judge to be beautiful or ugly, good or bad, how they perceive the flow of time, and so on.

My theory is that it also means there are MILLIONS of normal, reasonable, average Americans of ENGLISH DESCENT who are much like me (on the brief description I provided of myself).

To get to the point...if our current federal, Labor government in Canberra opened Australia's borders to unrestricted, un-vetted, illegal immigration from the Third World, the ordinary member of the electorate (whether they were "Democrat" or "Republican") would go "ballistic". There would be giant, hostile protests and demonstrations (soon escalating to riots) outside Parliament House DEMANDING an immediate closure of the border.

Yet in America, President Joe Biden deliberately opened the Southern Border (and Northern Border) to an unrestricted flood of of un-vetted illegal aliens from the Third World, and over the past 3 1/2 years has allowed some 20 million illegal immigrants into the United States. This suicidal opening of America's Southern Border is an example of the Democrat Party applying the "Plowden-Piven Strategy" ( named after a 1966 Manifesto authored two American Marxist political theorists/social scientists: Andrew Plowden and Frances Fox-Piven).

The idea of the original Clowden - Piven strategy was to hasten the fall of American capitalism by overloading the Welfare system via enrolling large numbers - as many as it takes to overwhelm and strain the system until it collapses. The collapse of the state Welfare bureaucracies precipitates economic/political crisis and social crisis/conflict. This provides an excuse for the federal government to implement socialist big government economic policies, notably wealth redistribution and a Universal Basic Income. Biden is applying the Plowden-Piven strategy through the open Southern Border. The millions of illegal aliens that arrive in America a put on Welfare and this will inevitably bankrupt the social services bureaucracy, creating economic collapse, political and social crisis that will allow a Democrat government to break American capitalism.

But most ordinary Americans of English descent would not be aware that Biden was enabling his minders to implement the basic idea of the Clowden-Piven strategy in order to collapse American capitalism and reduce the US to a Soviet state. That's beside the point. If you are aware that millions and millions of unvetted Third World illegal aliens are pouring into into your country you KNOW that this is WRONG - VERY WRONG --and you know that it must be stopped immediately, or there will be catastrophic (terminal) consequences.

But has there, since Jan 20th , 2021, been one single, large-scale, organised protest or demonstration against Biden's Open Southern border by Americans of English descent ? The answer is "NO." In fact there's been no expression of public dissent by average, reasonable, White Americans on any scale at all. They have just sat passively and watched this OUTRAGE take place for approaching four years.

WHY ????

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Complacency. Fear of arrest and violence. An overwhelming feeling that the will of the common man is irrelevant. Knowledge that the powers that control the country overrule the will of the common man. This is the ultimate defeat of the American way.