Why would one hate something they don't Believe In?


New member
On many posts I see here the arguments against God's existence consist, of if there was a God why this and that? always pointing out the negative things in life, lacing the idea with a trace of hatred.

Is it possible to hate something or the concept of something if you don't believe in it
On many posts I see here the arguments against God's existence consist, of if there was a God why this and that? always pointing out the negative things in life, lacing the idea with a trace of hatred.

Is it possible to hate something or the concept of something if you don't believe in it

you made quite the jump in one sentence. wondering why there are bad things in the world doesn't translate to hating a fictional entity.

god is not real. when you die you rot in the ground. that's it. this is all we got.
you made quite the jump in one sentence. wondering why there are bad things in the world doesn't translate to hating a fictional entity.

god is not real. when you die you rot in the ground. that's it. this is all we got.

Naw, I don't see how one cannot have anymore hope for their existence than that naturally, there is a reason behind it. There is a God in your life, be it materialism, science whatever, but you worship something
Naw, I don't see how one cannot have anymore hope for their existence than that naturally, there is a reason behind it. There is a God in your life, be it materialism, science whatever, but you worship something

that's moronic. When you've gotten to the point where god can be defined as anything, the concept has lost all meaning. So sure, pizza can be my "god." so what?
that's moronic. When you've gotten to the point where god can be defined as anything, the concept has lost all meaning. So sure, pizza can be my "god." so what?

Actually is a proven fact that for one to exist on a daily basis, there has to be a drive or simply put a reason for living, I live this temporary life because of the promise that God has given me of an everlasting life in paradise.

So what can pizza do for you? I know you were being facetious, however there is something that you put above everything, it may even be yourself.
On many posts I see here the arguments against God's existence consist, of if there was a God why this and that? always pointing out the negative things in life, lacing the idea with a trace of hatred.

Is it possible to hate something or the concept of something if you don't believe in it

I don't hate God or the concept of God, I hate that religion has historically been a unifying force for evil.

People need to focus more on the message of Jesus -- which is a good message -- rather than using him as a shield for their own vile nature.
I don't hate God or the concept of God, I hate that religion has historically been a unifying force for evil.

People need to focus more on the message of Jesus -- which is a good message -- rather than using him as a shield for their own vile nature.

Okay Amadeus, that is a excellent comment and point! however it is not religion that is the cause of that force, religion has been abused and used by those who want to lift themselves (pride) look at those who called themselves incorrectly the evangelicals, no Christian evangelist that is led of the Holy Spirit would be speaking as these we see publicly. In fact they are an embarrassment to those of us who do follow the teachings of Christ and an hindrance to the work we do.

Yes, the message of Jesus is the focus, He was God in flesh on earth, and through Him is the only way we get to God, (love)
Okay Amadeus, that is a excellent comment and point! however it is not religion that is the cause of that force, religion has been abused and used by those who want to lift themselves (pride) look at those who called themselves incorrectly the evangelicals, no Christian evangelist that is led of the Holy Spirit would be speaking as these we see publicly. In fact they are an embarrassment to those of us who do follow the teachings of Christ and an hindrance to the work we do.

Yes, the message of Jesus is the focus, He was God in flesh on earth, and through Him is the only way we get to God, (love)

I have nothing against religion. In fact, I study religions of all sorts, and even though I'm an atheist, I find value in them from a variety of perspectives (artistically, historically, morally, culturally). I also respect the concept of Jesus. Whether or not he was a historical figure, or a divine figure, he stood for the reforming of what was then a corrupt religious system. Very much similar (almost identical) to Siddhartha Gautama, the man who would become the Buddha.

I personally think Christianity should open itself up to atheists, and become more of a moral philosophy than a religion. But that's not my call.
I personally think Christianity should open itself up to atheists, and become more of a moral philosophy than a religion. But that's not my call.

Know that Christianity has always been open to everyone, Romans 10:13 states whomsoever shall call on the Name of Lord shall be saved.

I do not believe that true Atheists exist, that mindset and heart goes against everything we are, in ones abyss they will look upward. Holiness is not a denomination but a lifestyle