Wider Pakistan attacks urged....!


Reuters 20min ago

U.S Commanders urged wider Pakistan attacks....
NY Times(reuters)- U.S. commanders in Afghanistan have recently urged expanding the war effort,possibly including U.S. attacks on indigenous Pakistani militants inside Pakistan's Tribal areas...
The NY Times reported in Sunday editions...

Officials said the U.S.proposals included possible limited cross-border artillery strikes into Pakistan,missile attacks by Predator aircraft or raids by small teams of CIA para-military Forces or Special Operations Forces...

The requests had been rebuffed for Now by the Bush Administration citing the unrest do to the Pakistan elections!
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We kind of felt the same when the IRA were receiving support from the plastic Irish in Boston.

(glib comment i know, but there's some truth to it)

We kind of felt the same when the IRA were receiving support from the plastic Irish in Boston.

(glib comment i know, but there's some truth to it)

I would not have had a problemo with you taking out the Boston Mass Kennedy...Liberal Plastic Irish clan...along with Lt.Kerry!;)
I would not have had a problemo with you taking out the Boston Mass Kennedy...Liberal Plastic Irish clan...along with Lt.Kerry!;)


Just think if we'd blown J. Kerry out of his wife's mansion, back in the 80's, then the Democrats may have had a chance of putting up a half decent candidate in the 2004 election.

Just think if we'd blown J. Kerry out of his wife's mansion, back in the 80's, then the Democrats may have had a chance of putting up a half decent candidate in the 2004 election.

This is exactly why I blame Britain, and more specifically Charver, for George W. Bush's 2004 reelection.
But pakistan is our ally! LOL. When barack Obama suggested this he was widely mocked and maligned by the neocon shitheads. Now it's a good idea. Funny how things change.
And Buffalo, NY.

They get everywhere, don't they?

Canada seems to have acquired the "loyalist" Irish crazies. I suppose they didn't want to live in Northern Ireland anymore but still wanted to retain a link to the Queen or something.
One of the truest things Obama has said was that we not only need to end the war but we must also end the mindest that took us to war.

The best weapon we have against Al Queda is to deal honestly with the problems in the ME.

My question is how much resource are we going to spend chasing ghosts? Potential "Al-Queda", real or imagined, can appear almost anywhere. Bomb Pakistan, Afgahnistan, Iraq, Africa, etc, etc .. with little real progress achieved.

We're chasing ghosts.
They get everywhere, don't they?

Canada seems to have acquired the "loyalist" Irish crazies. I suppose they didn't want to live in Northern Ireland anymore but still wanted to retain a link to the Queen or something.

I didn't know that. I know that historically the Brits sent Canadian rebels and Irish Fenians to the penal colony at Port Arthur (Tasmania) but I didn't know Canada had Irish loyalists. Come to think of it though, I went to an Irish pub a couple of times in Toronto and it was the authentic type, had the photos and paintings of the heroes of the Easter Rebellion all over the walls and it co-owned by a very nice elderly Irish bloke. McVeigh's, if anyone is from TO it's on Church St. and Queen East. Nice pub. Not plastic either.