'Wild Surf Party'

Independent Runners

  • Total voters


Being that the DNC nod will most likey go to Obama and the GOP nod to McCain...I do believe the former candidates should pull a Liberman and get their names on the ballot in all 50 states as Independents

'Wimpy'...Liberal Independent I always forget the little runts name! Oh yeah 'Dennis the Mennace'!
Hillary...Moderate/Liberal Independent
Huckabee...Conservative/Moderate Independent
Romney...Conservative Independent
Hunter...Conservative Independent
R.Paul...I have no clue Independent
Tancredo...Conservative Independent

Side note:for3D added the iffies for ya!

Richardson...Independent Chicano..sorta kinda!
Biden...Independent old style Democrat
Dodd...Independent ass kisser!
Edwards...Liberal Independent
Gravel...Independent old style Democrat
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And yet Romney, Huckleberry, Hunter and Tancredo are not team players?

Beats the hell outta me...I don't even know what a team player is anymore...the US is going down hill fast...! All we have now are equivelant to 'Middle School Clicks' Children defending their little table in the lunch room...the hell with supporting what needs to get done...may infringe on ones personal needs and wants...sad really!