Will Biden allow a foreign climate group to veto U.S. military contracts?


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Biden wants a foreign country to control our military


A new Biden administration rule aimed at reducing carbon emissions would give approval authority over large U.S. defense contracts to a little-known British environmentalist group that just incorporated two weeks ago.Under the White House’s proposed rule change, a London-based group called the Science Based Targets Initiative that is funded by the Democratic Party’s main dark money network would be responsible for approving the carbon emissions reduction plans of large federal contractors.

The Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) is a fee-based service that helps companies set emissions reduction targets in line with the Paris Climate Agreement and verifies their progress
We will only be able to have solar powered jets and aircraft carriers now.

They aren't sure what to do about the submarines though.

They may just scrap them because they aren't environmentally friendly.

They disturb the whales you know.