Will green cars help save the planet?


Well, I just saw it. I just saw the ad for a new Honda fuel cell car (notice how the sharp Japanese can come up with new things first--they are good at dominating that way).

OK--we all probably know a fuel cell is a pretty neet thing. I would not mind having one on the side of my home, to make me independent from the electric company some day. Where to find that Hydrogen though, to run it--I don't know.

Personally, I think methane gas is the biggest factor (26 times more potent as a green house gas than CO2--and it is pouring, natually, from our ocean floors), may be by far, as far as green house emissions go in our atmosphere---but all that is rammed down our throats by the grown up hippies, is CO2 emissions. Why pick only on CO2, which is very debatable as far as a green house effect factor to global warming? (there have been times on this earth where CO2 gas was up to 9 times higher in our atmosphere than it is today)

What is the difference between us emitting CO2 out of our cars, or water out of our cars? It might not be all that much different. Is CO2 really a polutant--like the greens like to call it, or is it needed for life, in the right quanities. Will pure water, someday, be considered a polutent by the green goofs? No? Why not? Ohh0---because it is not the emmission of fossil fuels!!! That's why.

1--Both CO2 and water are essential for life on this planet.

2--Both contribute to a green house effect, and I think water vapor is actually a stronger
effect (both together--not anywhere near that of methane)

3--both may need some balance as much as the other--we have pretty much had the same
amount of water on the planet as always, and I am not so sure adding trillions of gallons of
water to the planet is a great idea (if fuel cells get really popular).

If both up the green house effect, and both are needed for life---why the switch?


It may be possible that if we had equal cars on the road making water, instead of CO2---we could have the same or worse green house effect. Then, if the planet melted, and we worry about the sea level rising (has not happened anywhere yet like predicted by the insane--and probably won't) 25 feet instead of 20 feet, because of the added water.

But nobody in their right mind would think water (which is very very pure), can possibly set the planet off balance---would they? Use emotion (like the left wing nuts) to make all of our decisions---that will work. Save the world fropm CO2---we will most likely screw it up some other way---as long as fossil fuel is not in the buzz of the decade--I fear that is all that matters to the green movement. I know what green they are saving--and it kills trees.
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not nearly as much as solar panels on roofs
Automakers are already producing ultra low emissions vehicles on gas getting out of the burning coal business will be the biggest change. It'll take 30yrs.
Will green cars help save the planet?

Not sure about the planet , but they will help save the oil dependent USA..
not nearly as much as solar panels on roofs
Automakers are already producing ultra low emissions vehicles on gas getting out of the burning coal business will be the biggest change. It'll take 30yrs.

Yep about the same amount of time it will take us to upgrade our homes to be more energy efficient and greener.
How often do you buy a refrigerator or new heat pump ?
Or inprove your insulation ?
not nearly as much as solar panels on roofs
Automakers are already producing ultra low emissions vehicles on gas getting out of the burning coal business will be the biggest change. It'll take 30yrs.

While I do agree solar has tremendous potential. The fuel cells will eventually take the place of the fossil fuel cars. Automakers may be producign vehichles with low emissions... but fuel cell cars are ZERO emissions. It will take 5-10 years for the infrastructure to be built, but it will happen.
While I do agree solar has tremendous potential. The fuel cells will eventually take the place of the fossil fuel cars. Automakers may be producign vehichles with low emissions... but fuel cell cars are ZERO emissions. It will take 5-10 years for the infrastructure to be built, but it will happen.

A fuel cell does not emit zero emissions. It emits water for an emmission. Now you may think I am nit picking, but I am just pointing out that all most people fear is CO2, and it probably is not the biggest factor when it comes to a green house effect. Now, we have had gas cars for about 100 years. if they were all fuel cells, and we were actually manufacturing water---how high would the level be today? Don't forget, water vapor is a green house gas effect also. Water seems benign---well---because it is water. But is it really? I don't know.
Water kills perhaps millions every year, and causes massive property damage. Very deadly and destructive stuff.

My cars are Red,Blue and Metallic Brown with flakes...wondering if this effects CO2 levels?...They burn fossils fuels,however on really cold days I notice water coming outta the exhaust...hey maybe I am green after all...:cof1:
Bingo!...tis nice to see a sense of humor along with intelligence...

Ahhh, just an educated guess. Some of my racers race with methanol, so I know a bit about the fuel, it's efficiency and it's water absorbing capabilities (it is hygroscopic). I think the stuff is a mess inside a engine. I would love to know how long you run E-85 (hopefully all the time) and how many miles are on the engine. Then, I would love it, if your over 50,000 miles on e-85 only, take it to a shop and take off the pan and heads to check the condition of everything. I don't imagine a car with 100,000 miles on e-85, with current engine materials---will be heard of very often. But I might be wrong. Methanol is a bit nastier than ethonol when it comes to corrosion---but ethonol, for some reason, I feel is more hygroscopic. I might be wrong on that too. Either way--it is tougher on a engine than gas. Ohhh---but CNN didn't mention a word that sounds like 'hygroscopic" and "corrosion"? I guess we will have to find out the hard expensive way---instead of telling the truth. My prediction---the fuel will be a flop in the USA. Don't invest too much Gore and lovers.

Knowing that ethanol and methanol deliver about half the energy per volume compared to gas, I know your flex fuel car richens up the jetting quite a bit when it senses it is running alky and not gas. It may be possible that some of the fluid coming out of your pipe is raw unburnt fuel. Alky can run more compression than gas can (where the power gains are pretty much for running alky for racing)--and compression aids in the burn. I could imagine a low compression cylinder, with alky, not fully buring before the exhaust valve opens up. But again--I would have to sample the fluid in the pipe. The compression for a flex fuel car is set for gasoline, so you can run both fuels. If it were set for alky, you would not be able to run normal pump gas. Therefore, you are really not getting the full benifit of efficiency by running alky in a low compression engine. Such is the nature of the flex fuel engine, to run on two totally different fuels, with a fixed compression ratio (as all car engines are to the best of my knowledge).
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