Will he or won't he?


Shaken, not stirred!
Seems the MAGA bull horn is setting the stage for a 11th hour pull out by Cheeto Jeezus for the upcoming debate this Thursday.

- The moderator is biased.
- Uncle Joe will be pumped up with memory/cognitive enhancing drugs. A drug test should be given.

But the one I find to be the lamest is coming from ex-felon Steve Bannon: https://news.yahoo.com/news/steve-bannon-reveals-real-reason-221156274.html

So the bottom line is that if Cheeto Jeezus is made the fool of, it's all rigged! But if he wins, then it's a victory against insurmountable odds. :rolleyes:


Trump on how this debate came about: 'What they did, I’m pretty sure, is that they approached me with a debate that I couldn’t take. Dana Bash, Jake Tapper [Trump referred to the CNN anchor/commentator as 'Fake Tapper' throughout], no audience, sitting down, originally sitting down, a dead debate, turn off the mikes when you’re not speaking so I can’t interrupt him....They knew I wouldn’t accept that because it was CNN, Dana Bash, Jake Tapper, and I like an audience and probably he doesn’t, who knows? So they thought they would present it, I would say no, and they would say we can’t debate because Trump said no. So I said yes before they even gave me the terms. So he got roped into it.'
Hard to say. Trump is bombastic and speaks off the cuff. The big question is can Biden stay coherent for 90 minutes with no teleprompter, no notes, nada. Trump is likely to wander and prone to exaggeration, but at least he'll be coherent.

Biden goes Gabby Hayes, and he's finished.

Seems the MAGA bull horn is setting the stage for a 11th hour pull out by Cheeto Jeezus for the upcoming debate this Thursday.

- The moderator is biased.
- Uncle Joe will be pumped up with memory/cognitive enhancing drugs. A drug test should be given.

But the one I find to be the lamest is coming from ex-felon Steve Bannon: https://news.yahoo.com/news/steve-bannon-reveals-real-reason-221156274.html

So the bottom line is that if Cheeto Jeezus is made the fool of, it's all rigged! But if he wins, then it's a victory against insurmountable odds. :rolleyes:

You guys are shitting
in your collective pants.
Squirm you worms.
Hard to say. Trump is bombastic and speaks off the cuff. The big question is can Biden stay coherent for 90 minutes with no teleprompter, no notes, nada. Trump is likely to wander and prone to exaggeration, but at least he'll be coherent.

Biden goes Gabby Hayes, and he's finished.

If Biden and Bidens Brain have been disobeying orders from Revolution High Command this all might be a set up to get him out. I have been speculating that they have been refusing to step down....Jill really enjoys all the power she has as Bidens Brain.
Hard to say. Trump is bombastic and speaks off the cuff. The big question is can Biden stay coherent for 90 minutes with no teleprompter, no notes, nada. Trump is likely to wander and prone to exaggeration, but at least he'll be coherent.

Biden goes Gabby Hayes, and he's finished.

1. Trump is a sociopathic, compulsive liar (ample video evidence of this) who will ramble and blather when faced with facts that don't show him in a positive light and he cannot logically or factually refute. He is also vindictive and combative on a school yard level when cornered, as seen in the 2016 and 2020 debates.

2. Biden is a machine politician who will shovel BS to justify some of his documented past & present policies (i.e., Israel). That he is definitely showing signs of mentally/physically slowing down will definitely work against him if he has a "senior moment" during the debate.

3. Both have in the past used teleprompters. Trump's problem is thinking he doesn't need the script because he's a genius.

4. The true winners of this debate will be all the MSM (print, audio, visual) and various cable/pod casts, who will rake in the ratings ($$$) on this new low point in American politics.
1. Trump is a sociopathic, compulsive liar (ample video evidence of this) who will ramble and blather when faced with facts that don't show him in a positive light and he cannot logically or factually refute. He is also vindictive and combative on a school yard level when cornered, as seen in the 2016 and 2020 debates.

2. Biden is a machine politician who will shovel BS to justify some of his documented past & present policies (i.e., Israel). That he is definitely showing signs of mentally/physically slowing down will definitely work against him if he has a "senior moment" during the debate.

3. Both have in the past used teleprompters. Trump's problem is thinking he doesn't need the script because he's a genius.

4. The true winners of this debate will be all the MSM (print, audio, visual) and various cable/pod casts, who will rake in the ratings ($$$) on this new low point in American politics.
Biden is the compulsive liar. Trump spews hyperbole and exaggerations. It's sort of hair splitting though. Biden will also say anything, claim anything, to pander to the audience in a way Trump doesn't.

Both have some age issues.

With teleprompters, both go off script, the difference is when Biden does, pure gibberish comes out. When Trump does it, you get weird and questionable but it's at least understandable language.
Biden is the compulsive liar. Trump spews hyperbole and exaggerations. It's sort of hair splitting though. Biden will also say anything, claim anything, to pander to the audience in a way Trump doesn't.

Both have some age issues.

With teleprompters, both go off script, the difference is when Biden does, pure gibberish comes out. When Trump does it, you get weird and questionable but it's at least understandable language.
Trump is more innocent than Jesus.
Biden is the compulsive liar. Trump spews hyperbole and exaggerations. It's sort of hair splitting though. Biden will also say anything, claim anything, to pander to the audience in a way Trump doesn't.

Both have some age issues.

With teleprompters, both go off script, the difference is when Biden does, pure gibberish comes out. When Trump does it, you get weird and questionable but it's at least understandable language.
Mmm, sorry to inform you...but if you did a point for point comparison regarding honesty, your boy Cheeto Jeezus has Uncle Joe beat by a mile! Uncle Joe is just more in the "political lying" vein. Dump is a constant stream of lies, exaggerations, dodges and just plain old BS. That he says it with conviction seems to impress his followers.

The debate last night was a gift to the GOP and the MAGA noise machine. But it also reaffirmed Trump's duplicitous and dishonest nature.
Trump is more innocent than Jesus.
Mmm, sorry to inform you...but if you did a point for point comparison regarding honesty, your boy Cheeto Jeezus has Uncle Joe beat by a mile! Uncle Joe is just more in the "political lying" vein. Dump is a constant stream of lies, exaggerations, dodges and just plain old BS. That he says it with conviction seems to impress his followers.

The debate last night was a gift to the GOP and the MAGA noise machine. But it also reaffirmed Trump's duplicitous and dishonest nature.
I disagree. A side-by-side comparison done without bias and some sort of rules set as to what constitutes a lie, and its severity, would find Biden far worse than Trump.

That means hyperbole, exaggerations, and political pandering wouldn't be counted.
Seems the MAGA bull horn is setting the stage for a 11th hour pull out by Cheeto Jeezus for the upcoming debate this Thursday.

- The moderator is biased.
- Uncle Joe will be pumped up with memory/cognitive enhancing drugs. A drug test should be given.

But the one I find to be the lamest is coming from ex-felon Steve Bannon: https://news.yahoo.com/news/steve-bannon-reveals-real-reason-221156274.html

So the bottom line is that if Cheeto Jeezus is made the fool of, it's all rigged! But if he wins, then it's a victory against insurmountable odds. :rolleyes:

That didn't age well. :ROFLMAO::rofl2: