Will President Obama be known as The Food Stamp President?


Verified User
Someone has given President Obama that name in the Press and you all know how knicknames start. Afterall, Reagan was the great communicator to this day. President Carter is known as the brother of Billy Beer Carter. President Clinton was later known as President Cliton.
Poor SJ. He recycles topics here like a bird regurgitates worms. What a maroon!
Still following me around Fool? I get 10 times moore posting action than you do, so you made a good choice, I shall retrain you like I have done with many of your Lib cohors. Of course you will still be able to "Groan" and "Thank" posters a lot, and I understand that is your Lib niche on this Forum. You took over for The Dude, and like him, your cohors pull your strings, butt I will do my best to save your fat ass......LOL
Someone has given President Obama that name in the Press and you all know how knicknames start. Afterall, Reagan was the great communicator to this day. President Carter is known as the brother of Billy Beer Carter. President Clinton was later known as President Cliton.

Actually, since Obama has put all of G. W. Bush’s policies on steroids, I think his nick name should be “Barrack Bush” just another member of the authoritarian Bush family. I’m sure they’ll all play golf together in 2017.
30 million people on food stamps and rising

$6 1/2 trillion more in debt

Millions out of work and millions more who have given up trying to find work

Obamacare causing workers to lose their job or have their hours cut

The nation's first credit downgrade

Welfare payments topping over one trillion at the Federal level

Yea, things were much better during "Bush's recession" then things are under Obama's recovery"