Will rightwing fringe nuts vote for Mittzie?

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Will righties become Mittzie's minions?

  • Yes, at least he's white

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • No, he's not conservative enough

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Guns Guns Guns

As Massachusetts governor, Romney earned a reputation as a moderate, taking up causes that were traditionally the province of Democrats.

The signature achievement of his tenure was passing a health care reform law that requires almost every Bay State resident to obtain health insurance.

Tea Party supporters blame Romney for inspiring the Obama White House on the 2010 national health care law, which also contains an ‘‘individual mandate’’ to obtain insurance.

As a Mormon who once supported abortion rights, Romney faces special challenges winning over Christian evangelical voters

Romney has made sporadic efforts to appeal to the right wing.

In a television interview Wednesday morning, Romney said he hopes Rick Santorum — the conservative former senator from Pennsylvania who dropped out of the race Tuesday — will campaign alongside him soon and suggested that the former rivals’ shared goal of defeating President Obama will encourage Republicans to coalesce.

‘‘You will see our party more united than it’s been in a long, long time, in part because President Obama has taken America in such a different course than we have ever gone as a nation before,’’ Romney said.

But a sense of ambivalence, resignation, and grudging acceptance hung over conservative reaction to Romney’s sudden victory — which came not with a specific state primary election but with a brief press conference by Santorum in Pennsylvania.

‘‘Santorum’s announcement that he’s ending his campaign is a disappointment to millions of movement conservatives,’’ tweeted a prominent Virginia conservative activist...

In Nevada, retired firefighter Roger Stockton, treasurer of Western Representation PAC, a political fund-raising group, said he intends to continue to maintain his Facebook site, Stop Mitt Romney...

FreedomWorks, a well-organized Tea Party group with headquarters in Washington protested a Romney visit to New Hampshire last year and the group is unlikely to make any endorsement for president.

Speaking of fringe nuts, reminds me of the mainstream nuts of the Democratic Party that will vote for Obama at the rate of 100%....like those
mentioned below.....

[h=2]New Black Panthers "offer" $1 Million Bounty On George Zimmerman...[/h]

First it was $10K, now the offer has been upped to $1M...

They even issued nice "Dead or Alive" posters.