Will someone try to steal the election?

The barking moonbats think so:

"Possibly the neocons and their Brownshirt followers are so delusional that they do not realize that their glorious aims are not shared. Maybe they are no different from Americans, maxed out on credit and unable to make mortgage payments, who believe that next week they will win the lotto. On the other hand maybe the Brownshirts have a plan. What could the plan be? They can steal the election with the Diebold electronic voting machines and proprietary software that no one is allowed to check. There are now enough elections on record with significant divergences between exit polls and vote tallies that a stolen election can be explained away."

"These people are not voted in, they are PLACED in this position by the powers that be, meaning Illumanati-ists, The Federal Reserve Bank owners, The Bilderbergers, The Tri-Lateral Commission,etc. Each of these people were groomed and polished for this position to carry out the agenda of these corrupt organizations, and this ORGANIZED CRIME is going to happen again this year in November with John McCain."

[ame="http://www.alienhub.com/showthread.php?p=25833"]The American Election Sham - UFO Sightings, Conspiracy Theories, Paranormal Activity- Alien Hub[/ame]





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I noticed that we had the same predictions of a "stolen election" in 2006. When the Jackass Party won, all those "black box voting" conspiracy theories disappeared. Now they're back.
yeah I'll bet the Republicans are already making excuses for McCains loss in the fall.