Will the GOP hit the trifecta in November?

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In the Senate, it’s not hard to see Republicans netting the three seats they need to assume power, with larger gains within the range of possibility.

Republican Speaker John Boehner caused a stir not long ago when he told Fox News there was “a one in three chance” his party could lose the House. That comment may have had more to do with prodding reluctant Republican donors, and guarding against complacency, than with any big shift in the November outlook.

At the moment, a modest Democratic pickup of fewer than 10 House seats seems the likeliest outcome — well short of the 25 needed to knock the Republicans from power.

In the Senate, it’s not hard to see Republicans netting the three seats they need to assume power, with larger gains within the range of possibility.

Republican Speaker John Boehner caused a stir not long ago when he told Fox News there was “a one in three chance” his party could lose the House. That comment may have had more to do with prodding reluctant Republican donors, and guarding against complacency, than with any big shift in the November outlook.

At the moment, a modest Democratic pickup of fewer than 10 House seats seems the likeliest outcome — well short of the 25 needed to knock the Republicans from power.

Repubs need to pick up 5 (or four and win the White House) to win the Senate. Polling data shows they have a slight edge in doing that. However, the Senate campaigning won't really start until September. One of the Senate races (Wisconsin) is likely to be impacted by the recall election in Wisconsin. If the Governor is recalled then the that would probably swing that race over in favor of Dems. Anyway it goes it's going to be a close race for control of the Senate with the Dems being more at risk as they Seats at risk then Repubs do (though that swings the other way in two years.).
the democrats will become the party of NO, or things will have been worse than they thought....or some other likely excuse that has been given during the dem rule.