Will the Real John McCain Please Stand Up?

The 2000 Republican primary saw John McCain's rise to power on the back of his own honor and maverick status.

In that same primary, McCain was the subject of vicious allegations by Karl Rove & Bush. In which, push polls spreading false rumours McCain of having an illegitimate black baby, being married to a drug addict, crazy from years of being a POW. These tactics helped topple McCain's reform platform in 2000.

In 2004, McCain would defend John Kerry, the Democratic nominee for President against similar attacks on Kerry by a group calling themselves Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

In 2008, with his emergence as the Republican nominee, and his maverick status now at the glue factory, McCain has taken on a new persona.

We now see in this election that McCain has either A) changed almost every previously held position he's fought for, for the last 26 years, or B) he is just a gear in a political machine that is not concerned with morality, truth, or bringing the country together.

John McCain is either lying about his beliefs or he is the victim of the Republican machine. If it is the 1st option, McCain has shown a sociopathic determination in achieving power. If it is the 2nd option, McCain has lost control of his party that he is supposed to take to the White House.

Either way John McCain does not have experience nor the know-how to bring lasting change to Washington
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The Republicans have already proven they don't like the John McCain of 2000. The John McCain of 2008 wouldn't vote for John McCain circa 2000. He has been taught his lesson and now knows that he most tote right wing evangelical water if he wants their vote.