Will this finally wake up californians?


Calif. tax refunds to be delayed starting Feb. 1

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - California's controller says he will begin a 30-day delay on tax refunds and other payments starting Feb. 1 because the state is running out of money.

Controller John Chiang said Friday he must delay $3.7 billion in payments next month because lawmakers have failed to address California's growing deficit.

With a $41.6 billion shortfall over the next year-and-a-half, the state is on the brink of issuing IOUs.

Chiang says his office must continue education and debt payments but will defer money for tax refunds, student aid, social services and mental health programs.

A severe drop in revenue has left the state's main bank account depleted. The state had been relying on borrowing from special funds and Wall Street investors; those options are no longer available.

lets see how bad it gets now that they have to deny money to its subjects
Bob is correct I had the same thing happen to me when I lived in NC years ago.
Back when Jessie Helms was still at the helm.
My state is so fucked up, too many fucking liberals and their social spending programs have sucked California dry. The fact we have half of Mexico's illegal population building our houses, buying our goods, bagging our groceries, doing our lawns, and defaulting on their home loans less often helps.

Fixed for accuracy.