Will W get OBL or not?


Well-known member
I have been hearing of stepped up operations in the border region of Pakastan where OBL is belived to be hiding out.

I belive Bush wants vindication and is doing everything possable to get OBL before leaving office.

What are the odds?

Id say 1 in 100 of him getting OBL...
I have been hearing of stepped up operations in the border region of Pakastan where OBL is belived to be hiding out.

I belive Bush wants vindication and is doing everything possable to get OBL before leaving office.

What are the odds?

Id say 1 in 100 of him getting OBL...

Well that's well down from the 100% odds predictions we heard from lefties of him getting Obama and trotting him out in October 2004.

I don't think he's going to get him, instead we should vote in Obama/Biden who have both made suggestions about going into Pakistan to get him. I mean hey they are nuclear, an ally of ours and have 8 times the population of Iraq but at least we could get him you know in some cave somewhere.
I belive Bush wants him more than anything. It will vindicate his presidency somewhat if he gets him.
I'm sure you'll never believe it but I didn't even notice I wrote that until you said something and you may have noticed Jarod and uscitizen didn't catch it either. That just shows the 2 names are incredibly easy to mix up, moreso for me as I have Obama on my mind in most of my postings lately.
We need a boogeyman to launch more war and death. We're never going to catch him, because we're really not trying to.
I'm sure you'll never believe it but I didn't even notice I wrote that until you said something and you may have noticed Jarod and uscitizen didn't catch it either. That just shows the 2 names are incredibly easy to mix up, moreso for me as I have Obama on my mind in most of my postings lately.

Yes, in most of your rantings you mean.

This was possibly a freudian slip. I don't doubt you had him in your mind when you began talking about terrorists. You're no better than the idiots you see standing in line at a McCain rally holding stuffed monkeys with Obama hats on them.

I have never confused Osama with Obama. It's difficult to do unless you've got something strange going on under the hood.