Winter Soldiers


Well-known member
Its this weekend.

The Winter Soldiers

The Nation

From tomorrow through Saturday the Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan hearings in Washington, DC will feature testimony from US veterans detailing what's really happening on the ground in these occupations.

They'll present photographs and videos, recorded with mobile phones and digital cameras, to back up their allegations of brutality, torture and murder. The event is inspired by the Winter Solider tribunal held in 1971 by Vietnam War vets, including, famously, John Kerry.

Winter Soldiers, according to Thomas Paine, are patriots who stand up for the soul of their country, even in its darkest hours. With this spirit in mind, the current generation of Winter Soldiers are standing up to make their experiences available to all who are concerned about the direction of our country. To provide a preview, the Iraq Veterans Against War have created a short film featuring three vets who will be testifying this week. The film includes sometimes graphic videos and photographs of Iraq from their deployments.

You can go here at YouTube to view part two of this harrowing video.

The hearings themselves start tomorrow. While the event itself is closed to the general public you can both watch and listen to the proceedings live online.
These guys are owed a great debt of graditude by this country.

I will never walk away from them. The one young man reminded me of a young Kerry. I hope he never has his service degraded the way some Americans have degraded his service just because they dont like that he told the truth about the war he was asked to fight.
[ame=""]YouTube - Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan (Part 2)[/ame]
How does one imbed youtube stuff on this board?

NOt with HTML. Just post the link. HTML is disabled on this board, but Damo installed a program that can extract the video from the link.

We don't have HTML because it's dangerous adbots can use it to redirect the site.
ib1...long time no see compadre!

Holy crap man, as Strong Bad would say. I saw your name as the most recent responder to this thread and I was going to say essentially the same thing.

I can only assume you've ventured to greener pastures. Message me and fill me in.