With 98 percent reporting...

I just dislike it whenever people still talk about candidates "winning" a state. There's only one thing to win, and that's the nomination. What did Obama get towards that in New Mexico? As many delegates as Hillary?
but in theory the WINNER of the state should get the congressional super delegate of said state.
Obama won in the District that Albuquerque is in and that is Represented by Heather Wilson 50% to 47%. That district has become much more republican because of migration in the last 20 years from colder weather states.

In the Second District, which is the rest of Northern New Mexico and heavily hispanic Hillary is winning 55% to 41% for Obama.

The Third, which is where I live and which has been represented by a Republican in Congress since 1980 Obama is winning 52% to 45% we also have a considerable Hispanic population but the southeast sections of the state are very conservative, even the dems are REALLY conservative.