With two leading 2012 GOP presidential contenders outed.....


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With two leading 2012 GOP presidential contenders outed as adulterers, marriage equality is at hand

June 25, 7:57 AM · Ron Moore - Grassroots Politics Examiner

In just eight days, two leaders of the Republican Party, U.S. Senator John Ensign, Chairman of the Republican Policy Committee, and Mark Sanford, Chairman of the Republican Governors Association have admitted to breaking their marriage vows. In both cases they did not repent or seek forgiveness until caught. Both men were leaders in the campaign to “protect the sanctity of marriage” whose foibles should transform the dynamics of the marriage equality debate as an object lesson in the dangers inherent to personal morality politics.

The attempts by the political right wing to redline love’s territory should be met with the same outrage as the chutzpah of the son who upon being charged with killing his parents pleads for mercy as an orphan. The slow ascendancy of marriage equality laws will become an unstoppable force if supporters so choose. But first they must change their rhetoric. They must frame their campaign’s mission as simply promoting marriage, period. Contrary to most political conventional wisdom they are in fact the pro-marriage side of the debate. But they must push back hard and accept victory when history offers it to them.

Who will take seriously the plaintive wails of Republican pols who decry the diminution of the American moral fiber by continuing to oppose monogamous marriage? Who will take a party seriously that still advances a serial adulterer, Newt Gingrich, who alone can lay claim to stooping to John Edwards lowly perch by cheating on his wife while she was suffering from cancer? Who will take seriously the pompous call against hate crimes when their leaders scoff at the lynching of a black man in Jasper, Texas, James Byrd and the lynching of a gay man in Wyoming, Matthew Shepherd?

It’s time to drop the talk of civil rights and equality and simply promote the benefits of marriage; for everyone. Pro-marriage legislation should be called the “Ensign-Sanford Marriage Protection Act” so they we never forget the danger of making personal morality a matter of political expediency.

How about it republicans, (Palin in 2012?)

You damn right it could be Palin, and she has you all shaking in yer little bitty puddle boots, because you saw how she connected with the People...DON'T FORGET, the majority of Americans still have conservative ideals..

All the lies and made up shit (especially on her children) you all keep throwing at her just make her stronger and shows the American people how small and petty and the ugly in your souls, you leftie Democrats are...
And after this administration is done hosing the American people, Palin or any conservative Republican will win by a land slide..No Rinos need apply

Keep up the good work.....:clink:
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It seems the rights strongest card right now is Palin, as long as she can keep her mouth shut long enough so that it's not apparent how much dumber even than the average American she is.

Jindal is also still an option, as long as he figures out how to speak well. The post address response wasn't the worst one ever, but it was the only one that has brought someone who was considered the primary contender so low.
I can easily see Palin. It's going to be a "what the hell" kind of election for the GOP, and the base loves her.

She peaks at about 42-45%, imo. It would be a pretty epic landslide w/ her.
Yeah, I don't see Palin winning unless something really bad happens for Obama. And I would like it right wingers would refrain from quoting this and saying something obnoxious like "ZOMG HE'S ALREADY DED 1 TIMER LOL!:.1? :lolup: ". It would really make my day a lot easier.

Oh who am I kidding.
It seems the rights strongest card right now is Palin, as long as she can keep her mouth shut long enough so that it's not apparent how much dumber even than the average American she is.

Jindal is also still an option, as long as he figures out how to speak well. The post address response wasn't the worst one ever, but it was the only one that has brought someone who was considered the primary contender so low.

well Palin is smarter than you, she is a Governor and you are not...
You damn right it could be Palin, and she has you all shaking in yer little bitty puddle boots, because you saw how she connected with the People...DON'T FORGET, the majority of Americans still have conservative ideals..

All the lies and made up shit (especially on her children) you all keep throwing at her just make her stronger and shows the American people how small and petty and the ugly in your souls, you leftie Democrats are...
And after this administration is done hosing the American people, Palin or any conservative Republican will win by a land slide..No Rinos need apply

Keep up the good work.....:clink:

All about the connection and not the capability?
:lmao: @ "2012 presidential contenders" ...John Ensign and Mark Sanford! Yeah, they were right up there with Jeff Sessions as potential presidential candidates!

As a matter of fact, since last week's USA Today above the fold 1A story about how the republicans had no leader, we had all set our hearts on Ensign/Sanford '12! So, I don't know who we can get to run now, I guess we may end up having to run someone who isn't riddled with scandal, like maybe Sarah Palin. But we still have time to figure that out don't we? What's the deadline for running?
:lmao: @ "2012 presidential contenders" ...John Ensign and Mark Sanford! Yeah, they were right up there with Jeff Sessions as potential presidential candidates!

As a matter of fact, since last week's USA Today above the fold 1A story about how the republicans had no leader, we had all set our hearts on Ensign/Sanford '12! So, I don't know who we can get to run now, I guess we may end up having to run someone who isn't riddled with scandal, like maybe Sarah Palin. But we still have time to figure that out don't we? What's the deadline for running?

I guess you by contract you had to put in the obligatory conservative obnoxious smiley.

Oh wait

well Palin is smarter than you, she is a Governor and you are not...
Good god Meme, you're not exactly raising the bar very high here. Hell I've known packing crates that are smarter than Watermark. Your not exactly helping Sara's cause here!!
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