Witness to a Crime




“Richard Hayes Phillips worked day and night
for three years compiling irrefutable evidence
of how the Republicans stole the 2004
presidential race in Ohio. This landmark
investigation is a testament to what private
citizens can accomplish when government
officials fail to protect our right to vote
and to count those votes as cast. Every
American – Republican and Democrat – should
read this book, and join the fight for
democracy’s most fundamental right.”

-- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Read Kennedy's Rolling Stone article at

Phillips’ long-awaited book, was published on April 12. The book has a linen cloth cover,
with a dust jacket. The manuscript is 448 pages, including Annotated Table of Contents, Glossary,
Index, eight pages of color photos, and a CD with 1200 digital images of actual ballots, poll books,
voter signature books, and other forensic evidence from the 2004 presidential election in Ohio.
Advance orders are welcome, via check or money order. The cost to the purchaser is $30, including
packaging and postage. Once the book is available in stores, the price may be somewhat higher.

Phillips expects to engage in promotional tours across the nation, primarily in alternative
bookstores, coffee houses, churches, peace and justice centers, libraries, and college campuses,
in early spring and throughout the summer. These events are to be more than lectures. He hopes
for freewheeling discussions about the restoration of self-government in America.

The Dust Jacket Flaps are the most concise description of the contents of the book. These,
along with the Table of Contents, Introduction, Conclusion, and Recommendation, are available
online at http://www.witnesstoacrime.com/index.htm
The most telling chapters are based upon the actual forensic evidence. Almost none of this
material had been publicly available, except in Phillips’ preliminary findings which helped persuade
a federal judge to protect the ballots from destruction. His entire Declaration to Federal District
Court is posted online at http://www.electionfraudnews.com/Articles/2004/Declaration.pdf
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Interesting. The idea that Republicans were just reluctant to talk to pollsters is contradicted by actual data - Republicans were in fact MORE likely to talk to pollsters.
They can not hold this information back.

The media has been sitting on this info for years.

Think of the impact of airing the truth and convicting the quilty and then handing them over to the UN for war crimes trials.

Imagine what the world would think of us if they realized we never wanted to elect these scumbags?
Funny that the GOP had to sign court orders in the 80s promising that they wouldn't "cage" voters anymore, but then did it again anyway in 2004.
Yeah funny that.

Whats even funnier is you are one of about 12 people in the nation that knows that.