Woman in wheelchair on way to gun practice shoots mugger


News Delivery
POSTED: 1:59 p.m. EDT, September 9, 2006

NEW YORK (AP) -- Margaret Johnson might have looked like an easy target.

But when a mugger tried to grab a chain off her neck Friday, the 56-year-old Johnson, while riding in her wheelchair, pulled out her licensed .357 pistol and shot him, police said.

Johnson said she was in Manhattan's Harlem neighborhood on her way to a shooting range when the man, identified by police as 45-year-old Deron Johnson, came up from behind and went for the chain.

"There's not much to it," she said in a brief interview. "Somebody tried to mug me, and I shot him."

Deron Johnson was taken to Harlem Hospital with a single bullet wound in the elbow, police said. He faces a robbery charge, said Lt. John Grimpel, a police spokesman.

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I know! He probably thought she was easy prey too. Little did he know. I wonder if the cops were laughing at him when they brought him in.
Interesting how we never heard these positive gun stories back in the 90's when more gun control was a hot-ticket Dem party position. Now that the Dem party took a break from attacking guns to try and pretend to look more moderate and get elected, the Liberal media has no qualms about putting out positive gun stories.
Take note.
OHHH all demoncrats are antigun and can't change their mind even if they were antigun ? Huh Dano ? Crippled by your stereotypical viewpoints on libs and dems ?
Interesting how we never heard these positive gun stories back in the 90's when more gun control was a hot-ticket Dem party position. Now that the Dem party took a break from attacking guns to try and pretend to look more moderate and get elected, the Liberal media has no qualms about putting out positive gun stories.
Take note.

In the 90's she would have been charged with felonious assault on the poor unarmed mugger. How dare she defend herself.

Now days she's applauded and its Bush's fault.
In the 90's she would have been charged with felonious assault on the poor unarmed mugger. How dare she defend herself.

Now days she's applauded and its Bush's fault.

Are you kidding or do you have links to back up this claim?
In the 90's she would have been charged with felonious assault on the poor unarmed mugger. How dare she defend herself.

Now days she's applauded and its Bush's fault.
He would probably sue... like this guy:


And he might win like this guy:

BURGLAR breaks in. Homeowner shoots burglar. Burglar sues homeowner. Insurance company settles with burglar. Argghhh! Nothing is more infuriating than criminals turning around and suing law-abiding citizens.


You can find quite a few stories like it on this site:

Interesting how we never heard these positive gun stories back in the 90's when more gun control was a hot-ticket Dem party position. Now that the Dem party took a break from attacking guns to try and pretend to look more moderate and get elected, the Liberal media has no qualms about putting out positive gun stories.
Take note.

one problem gorgeous... gun laws are a state issue... and last time i checked NY had some strict gun laws...