woo hooo!

A federal judge on Monday declared a new Florida voter registration law unconstitutional, ruling that its stiff penalties for violations threaten free speech rights and that political parties were improperly exempted.

The 48-page ruling by U.S. District Judge Patricia Seitz means that state authorities cannot enforce the provisions of the law. It took effect Jan. 1 and has been blamed by several labor unions and nonprofit groups for effectively blocking voter registration drives across the state because of the financial risk.

"If third-party voter registration organizations permanently cease their voter registration efforts, Florida citizens will be stripped of an important means and choice of registering to vote and of associating with one another," Seitz wrote.

The law also "unconstitutionally discriminates" against third-party registration groups because it does not apply to political parties, Seitz added.
I have no problem with everyone registering and voting if they are a citizen and haven't been convicted of a felony.
Why should you lose your right to vote if convicted of a felony if you have served your rehab/punishment ?
The Rs in office in Florida put this law up to try and make it a felony for the registaring entity to file a voter reg that had false ionto on it.

In other words its like sueing the bank because one of their customers filled in bad info an a fed loan doc.

They couldnt registar people for fear of felony conviction.

The Rs KNEW what this would do and LOVED the idea!