Wormin' Herman

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Herman Cain has been going around claiming he was a Fox News contributor for at least a year.

That’s incorrect, according to Fox News’s definition, and Fox News has asked both the Associated Press and the Washington Post to run corrections and tweak their stories to make it clear that Cain was not a contributor, only a guest.

But Cain has been presenting himself as a part of the Fox News family for some time.

In his old bio, he calls himself a “Fox News Business Commentator” – not a loaded word like contributor, but certainly suggesting a relationship with the network.

Last July, Cain was introduced at the RightOnline conference in Las Vegas – organized by Americans for Prosperity, whose “Prosperity Expansion Project” Cain chairs -- as a “Fox News contributor.”

And in a column he wrote in the Daily Caller in January, his bio at the bottom refers to him as “a Fox News contributor.”

Ellen Carmichael, Cain’s spokeswoman, confirmed that Cain has long thought of himself as a Fox contributor.

“He’s absolutely a contributor, just like anyone who appears on a show one time is contributing to the broadcast,” she said. “Is he a salaried contributor? No.”

