Worst Presidential Start in 90 Years!


March 6 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama now has the distinction of presiding over his own bear market.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 20 percent since Inauguration Day, the fastest drop under a new president in at least 90 years, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The gauge has lost 53 percent from its October 2007 record of 14,164.53, slipping 4.1 percent to 6,594.44 yesterday.

More than $1.6 trillion has been erased from U.S. equities since Jan. 20 as mounting bank losses and rising unemployment convinced investors the recession is getting worse. The president is in danger of breaking a pattern in which the Dow rallied 9.8 percent on average in the 12 months after a Democrat captured the White House, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
“People thought there would be a brief Obama rally, and that hasn’t happened,” said Uri Landesman, who oversees about $2.5 billion at ING Groep NV’s asset management unit in New York.
“It speaks to the carnage that’s in the economy and the lack of confidence in the measures that have been announced.”
A bear market is defined as a decline of 20 percent or more.

Buying shares “is a potentially good deal” for long-term investors, Obama said March 3. He compared daily fluctuations to a tracking poll in politics and said he wouldn’t adjust his policies just to meet market expectations.
Congress last month enacted Obama’s $787 billion package of tax cuts and spending on roads, bridges and public buildings. His 2010 budget indicated the government’s financial rescue may need another $750 billion after an initial $700 billion.

The Dow average has dropped 31 percent since Obama’s election. The 30-stock gauge trades at 8.04 times annual earnings, the cheapest since 1995 and down from 10.06 times on Inauguration Day.
Citigroup Inc. led the plunge, losing 71 percent. The government proposed taking a 36 percent stake in the New York- based bank, cutting the percentage owned by shareholders. Detroit-based General Motors Corp. tumbled 53 percent after the largest U.S. automaker said it needs more government aid.
“It’s the Obama bear market,” said Dan Veru, who helps oversee $2.8 billion at Palisade Capital Management in Fort Lee, New Jersey. “We don’t know what the rules are in so many different areas the government is touching.”

....but we're still HOPING for CHANGE! :rolleyes:
"He compared daily fluctuations to a tracking poll in politics and said he wouldn’t adjust his policies just to meet market expectations."

His ideological bent will slow any recovery effort; great post!
"He compared daily fluctuations to a tracking poll in politics and said he wouldn’t adjust his policies just to meet market expectations."

His ideological bent will slow any recovery effort; great post!

Worse than that... He used the term "daily gyrations in the market" to describe the largest drop in the market since the Great Depression. Excuse me, but I think this qualifies as more than a "gyration" or "fluctuation" in the market.

Rahm Emmanuel says, never let a good crisis go to waste.... well, it looks like they've got themselves a good one!
Damn, only a month in office and Obama ALREADY caused the great depression! Even I wouldn't have thought he could work with such alacrity! BRAVO!
Worse than that... He used the term "daily gyrations in the market" to describe the largest drop in the market since the Great Depression. Excuse me, but I think this qualifies as more than a "gyration" or "fluctuation" in the market.

Rahm Emmanuel says, never let a good crisis go to waste.... well, it looks like they've got themselves a good one!

To shove his/their ideological social progressive kumbaya down our throats.
Damn, only a month in office and Obama ALREADY caused the great depression! Even I wouldn't have thought he could work with such alacrity! BRAVO!

Looks like the Rush Limbaugh fan club meeting thread!
Oh, I'm sorry... I forgot you pinheads are obsessed with Rush and me, and couldn't give two shits about the state of the economy. Well, while you are busy making new profiles to poke fun at me, and rallying to try and get Rush off the air, we'll just watch our retirement go up in smoke, and American enterprise being sold for pennies on the dollar.

I really do hope you morons are comfortable, that you are getting maximum enjoyment from your leisure time here, because it won't be long until you don't have Internet access or electricity to run a computer, much less the free time to spend posting your idiocy. I know that is just so hard to believe right now, but eventually the free ride will end for you folks, and you'll have to face reality with the rest of us. But hey... In the meantime, by all means, keep being smarmy little spoiled brat asswipes and keep pretending Rush is the Antichrist!
Oh, I'm sorry... I forgot you pinheads are obsessed with Rush and me, and couldn't give two shits about the state of the economy. Well, while you are busy making new profiles to poke fun at me, and rallying to try and get Rush off the air, we'll just watch our retirement go up in smoke, and American enterprise being sold for pennies on the dollar.

I really do hope you morons are comfortable, that you are getting maximum enjoyment from your leisure time here, because it won't be long until you don't have Internet access or electricity to run a computer, much less the free time to spend posting your idiocy. I know that is just so hard to believe right now, but eventually the free ride will end for you folks, and you'll have to face reality with the rest of us. But hey... In the meantime, by all means, keep being smarmy little spoiled brat asswipes and keep pretending Rush is the Antichrist!

They stupidly follow the lead of their puppet masters Begala, Carville, and Rahm as they "wag the Rush".

Meanwhile, as you note, Obama's love of his own ideological agenda sinks us further.
I like him cause he's anti war and pro weed.
But I'm astonished to hear economist say industry after industry is under attack from Obama.
Damn, only a month in office and Obama ALREADY caused the great depression! Even I wouldn't have thought he could work with such alacrity! BRAVO!

this is just a typical neocon love fest! Don't interrupt them, you might get some of it on you! EEEEK!
Oh, I'm sorry... I forgot you pinheads are obsessed with Rush and me, and couldn't give two shits about the state of the economy. Well, while you are busy making new profiles to poke fun at me, and rallying to try and get Rush off the air, we'll just watch our retirement go up in smoke, and American enterprise being sold for pennies on the dollar.

I really do hope you morons are comfortable, that you are getting maximum enjoyment from your leisure time here, because it won't be long until you don't have Internet access or electricity to run a computer, much less the free time to spend posting your idiocy. I know that is just so hard to believe right now, but eventually the free ride will end for you folks, and you'll have to face reality with the rest of us. But hey... In the meantime, by all means, keep being smarmy little spoiled brat asswipes and keep pretending Rush is the Antichrist!

Keep smiling and look for your new Chinese neighbors! And thank Ronnie for where we are at, everyday!
They stupidly follow the lead of their puppet masters Begala, Carville, and Rahm as they "wag the Rush".

Meanwhile, as you note, Obama's love of his own ideological agenda sinks us further.

bush did the sinkin, Obama is doing the bailing and folks like Rush aren't helping unite this nation. Come together or fall apart! Russian are predicting we won't be a nation in a year! Is that what you are reaching for? Your own Red nation? How would your state fare? Mine would be hurting, we have oil, but we would have to buy veggies from a blue state! Or, maybe we could just eat what comes from Texas!
Watermark like too many Obama nutsuckers doesn't have a real job yet. So trillions in family life savings lost is understanably way over his head.
bush did the sinkin, Obama is doing the bailing and folks like Rush aren't helping unite this nation. Come together or fall apart! Russian are predicting we won't be a nation in a year! Is that what you are reaching for? Your own Red nation? How would your state fare? Mine would be hurting, we have oil, but we would have to buy veggies from a blue state! Or, maybe we could just eat what comes from Texas!

Coming together would mean elites in business and government would stop sacrificing american workers on the altar of globalization.
bush did the sinkin, Obama is doing the bailing and folks like Rush aren't helping unite this nation. Come together or fall apart! Russian are predicting we won't be a nation in a year! Is that what you are reaching for? Your own Red nation? How would your state fare? Mine would be hurting, we have oil, but we would have to buy veggies from a blue state! Or, maybe we could just eat what comes from Texas!

texas is nearly self sufficient. we have oil and natural gas, but most of all, we got beef. lots and lots of beef.