Would've Hillary made a better president than Obama?

Mr. T

Verified User
Of course I hold my tongue; knowing how liberals feel about women.
Just look at how they treated Michael Bachman and Sarah Palin.
The whole world knows that the progressives in the democracked party are sexists.

But if Hillary was our president, do you think we would be facing 9.1 unemployment and a dismal economy?
You have to agree that everything that Obamao has tried to do has backfired. Just lok at his debt ceiling increase that we just went through. He said that this would save our economy and the dow is down over 500 points today while it lost another 260 points yesterday after he signed it into law.

We can continue on and show how his stimuless law didn't do crappola either.
Of course I hold my tongue; knowing how liberals feel about women.
Just look at how they treated Michael Bachman and Sarah Palin.
The whole world knows that the progressives in the democracked party are sexists.

But if Hillary was our president, do you think we would be facing 9.1 unemployment and a dismal economy?

No. I think we'd be better off if HillBillary had won.
Of course I hold my tongue; knowing how liberals feel about women.
Just look at how they treated Michael Bachman and Sarah Palin.
The whole world knows that the progressives in the democracked party are sexists.

But if Hillary was our president, do you think we would be facing 9.1 unemployment and a dismal economy?
Forget Bachman and Palin - just look how they treated Clinton in the primaries after they hooked their wagon to The Big O.

One thing: Hillary has more leadership ability in her left pinky nail than Obama will ever have in totality.
Of course I hold my tongue; knowing how liberals feel about women.
Just look at how they treated Michael Bachman and Sarah Palin.
The whole world knows that the progressives in the democracked party are sexists.

But if Hillary was our president, do you think we would be facing 9.1 unemployment and a dismal economy?
Don't know, that story's not finished yet. One things for sure, She'd be light years better the Dubya....though that aint exactly setting the bar very high.
Changing turds doesn't erase that fact that you're still dealing with shit. The level of stink coming off them is irrelevent and a poor standard to measure 'success' with.
Hillary would have been much more effective AND she would have been more inclined to prosecute the criminals of the previous administration, one of Obama's bigger fails.
Hillary would have been much more effective AND she would have been more inclined to prosecute the criminals of the previous administration, one of Obama's bigger fails.

She would know who the crooks are?


(1) Took a $100,000 bribe, camouflaged as futures trades,
from Tyson Foods Inc.

(2) Speculated in Health Care industry futures while overseeing
legislative reform of same.

(3) Failed to correct false testimony by co-defendant Ira
Magaziner in Health Care trial.

(4) Obstructed justice by ordering the shredding of Vince
Foster's documents in the Rose Law Firm.

(5) Ordered members of the Health Care Task Force to shred
documents that were the target of a court probe.

(6) Ordered the removal of documents from Vince Foster's office.

(7) Told aides to lie about their removal of documents from
Foster's office

(8) Obstructed justice by keeping her billing records, a document
sought under subpoena, in the White House residence.

(9) Lied to investigators about her knowledge about billing

(10) Lied to investigators about her involvement in the Castle
Grande land flip con.

(11) Ordered the use of the FBI to discredit Travel Office

(12) Lied to investigators about her involvement in the firing of
Travel Office Employees.

IRA MAGAZINER, Hillary Clinton Senior Advisor

(1) Violated federal law when he held Health Care Task Force
Meetings in secret and refused to release documents

(2) Lied in court about the composition of the Health Care
Task Force.
U.S. Attorney Eric Holder found insufficient evidence for indictment of Ira Magaziner.

BERNARD NUSSBAUM, Former White House Counsel

(1) Obstructed justice in the Foster suicide investigation by
blocking access, removing documents, lying about his removal of
documents, and by retrieving Foster's pager from Park Police.

(2) Attempted to quash a Whitewater investigation at the RTC
through White House liaisons.
Nussbaum has resigned and is under investigation for lying to Congress.


(1) Took a $600,000 loan below market interest and with
insufficient collateral from Nations Bank, a bank having business
before the Clinton Administration.

(2) Lied to Congress during Whitewater hearings.

(3) Attempted to have Whitewater investigator Jay Stephens at the
RTC fired.

MIKE ESPY, Former Agriculture Secretary

(1) Took bribes from Tyson Foods Inc., which was under regulatory
control of his Agriculture Department.
Espy has resigned and is under investigation by a Special Counsel

ROGER ALTMAN, Deputy Secretary of the Treasury

(1) Lied to Congress during Whitewater hearings. (2) Lied to Congress about having lied to Congress. (3) Instructed Ellen Kulka and Jack Ryan at the RTC to block the Whitewater investigation by L. Jean Lewis.

Roger Altman was forced to resign.

RON BROWN, Former Commerce Secretary

(1) Has taken bribes from almost everybody. Says it is part of
the way Washington works. The allegations are too numerous
and complicated to be detailed here.
Ron Brown was still under investigation by an Independent Counsel when he died in a plane crash in 1996. The investigation continues.

LES ASPIN, Former Secretary of Defense

(1) Through criminal negligence was responsible for the death
of Army Rangers in Somalia. Has never been held accountable
in public hearings.
Les Aspin has resigned and is deceased.


(1) Fabricated charges against White House Travel Office
personnel to have the business taken over by Clinton friends.

(2) Coerced FBI and IRS agents into complicity with this

Kennedy and Watkins have resigned.

CATHERINE CORNELIUS, Travel Office employee

(1) Removed documents from White House Travel Office.
Because those documents later became the subject ofa trial
against Office Director Billy Dale, that could amount to
obstruction ofjustice.

PATSY THOMASSON, Director of White House Administration

(1) Lied to Congress about the composition of the Health Care Task Force and the size of its budget. (2) Obstructed justice when she removed documents from the office of Vince Foster.

MARGARET WILLIAMS, Chief of Staff to the First Lady

(1) Obstructed justice when she removed documents from the office
of Vince Foster.

(2) Lied to Congress about removing those documents.
Maggy Williams is under investigation by Independent Counsel.

JOSHUA STEINER, Treasury Department Employee.

(1) Lied to Congress about conversations with White House
personnel about the RTC. (He also lied to his diary, but that is
not a crime.)

Joshua Steiner has resigned.

LLOYD CUTLER, Former White House Counsel

(1) Lied to Congress about the contents of redacted documents.

(2) Attempted to withhold vital information from Congress, a

(3) Obtained a confidential Treasury report and showed it to
witnesses before they testified before Congress in the Whitewater
in 1970. Has never been indicted for this crime which was similar to what the
Watergate Plumbers spent time in jail for.

BRUCE LINDSEY, Senior Advisor

(1) As treasurer for the Clinton gubernatorial campaign in
1990, he signed withdrawals from Peny County Bank, the president
of which has pled guilty to conspiring to conceal these
withdrawals from the IRS and FEC.
Bruce Lindsey is an unindicted co-conspirator in the trial of the owners of Perry County Bank.

MARIAN BENETT, USIA Inspector General

(1) Covered up credit-card fraud by USIA Inspector General staff.

FEDERICO PENA, Secretary of Transportation

(1) State and federal contracts were awarded to companies in
which he had a financial interest.

The Justice Department found insufficient evidence to appoint
a Special Counsel.


(1) Lied to the FBI about payments to former lover.
Under investigation by Special Counsel.

JANET RENO, Attorney General

(1) Fabricated charges of child molestation against the Branch
Davidians in Waco, Texas.

(2) Ordered the use of military equipment against citizens of
the United States

(3) Ordered the use of chemical agents against citizens of the
United States.

ROBERT REICH, Secretary of Labor

(1) Lied to Congress when he wrote that there were no memos
circulating in the Labor Department instructing staffto gather
political material against the Contract with America. Such memos
were later published. Under investigation by Congress.

DONNA SHALALA, Secretary of Health and Human Services

(1) As Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin at Madison
instituted speech codes which were found to be unconstitutional
in federal court. Instituted thought police star chamber proceed
-ings to drive politically incorrect people off campus.

CAROL BROWNER, EPA Administrator

(1) Used the EPA to campaign against Republicans running on
the Contract with America, an illegal use of the executive
branch for political campaigning.

Carol Browner is under investigation by Congress.

ROBERTA ACHTENBERG, Former Assitant Secretary of HUD

(1) Violated the First Amendment when she ordered HUD
lawyers to silence citizens who spoke out against planned
housing projects.

(2) Exceeded her authority when she had HUD staff threaten
Allentown County to withdraw an "Use of English language
encouraged" ordinance.

Roberta Achtenberg resigned to run for Mayor of San Francisco, a
race which she lost.

DEVAL PATRICK, Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights

(1) Used extortion to force banks to give preferential
treatment to minorities.

Congress is investigating the possibility of impeachment based on
abuse of power.

BRUCE BABBIT, Secretary of the Interior

(1) Paid a penalty for violating campaign finance laws during his
1988 presidential campaign.

HAZEL O'LEARY, Energy Secretary

(1) Abused taxpayer money for extravagant travels around the

Hazel O'Leary is under investigation by Congress.

WILLIAM PERRY, Secretary of Defense

(1) Intervened in a Chinese trade deal on behalf of a business

CRAIG LIVINGSTONE, Chief of White House Security

(1) Was seen carrying a box from Foster's office the morning
after Vince Foster died.

(2) Ordered confidential FBI background files on Hillary
Clinton's political enemies, a violation of the privacy act.

Craig Livingstone is currently on paid leave and has been unable to
pass FBI criminal background checks, and the White House has
admitted that 11 unnamed White House staffers have had recent
drug use. Unsubstantiated allegations of murder, treason,
and conspiracy have been omitted from the above list.
In light of this record, it is appropriate to mention those Clinton Cabinet Secretaries who are not under investigation and have never had criminal allegations raised against them:
RICHARD RILEY, Secretary of Education
WARREN CHRISTOPHER, Secretary of State

In this administration these secretaries must be considered beacons of morality.


And we did not even mention Slick Willy?