WOW! I Guess we NOW know what REALLY Gets to Leftist/Socialists!


New member
Hey, Y'all! I just read thru the late responses from The Obama AntiChrist "666" Translation Piece I wrote, and I have to say, Thank You! I "get it" now. Just like when the GREATEST President of the 20th Century, Ronald Wilson Reagan(Greatest and Longest Period of Peacetime Sustained Growth in US history,
Took the Back off Taxpayers after Wilson's Socialist "Progressive Income Tax" reminding people of Marx's "FROM each according to their Means, TO EACH accoring to their NEEDS"(whether or not they EARNED it)
And of course, destroyed the Murderous Socialist/Collectivist Soviet Union, ("Mr Gorbachev, TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!")
Yes, the Great Reagan REALLY BOTHERED Liberals, when he called thier Idols, the Soviet Gulag Murderers, responsible for 50 MILLION Civillian Deaths, Slave Camps, Tortiure for Politicxal Speech, etc., etc. Reagan drove Libs CRAZY when he called Soviets "The Evil Empire", , just like yesterday, when I showed proof of Obama's full name converting to "666", when put into a Greek/Hebrew Biblical Code, that has proven to be precient, about other names/events, Haaaaahahahaha!

Hey, didja hear Pres. Bush? He was talking to Obama, when he said, "Some think that the Islamic Jihadist Terrorists, after Bombing Innocent Civillians for the last 30 yrs. PLUS, strapping backpack bombs to THEIR CHILDREN(cowards), are just going to STOP, and say, "Oh, you're RIGHT- just because YOU sat down and appeased us, just because of YOUR new and brilliant idea, that NO ONE ELSE ever thought of, we're going to STOP being cowardly, using Sneak Attacks and strapping bombs to little kids."

THIS is the Arrogance and Huberis of Elitism/Liberalism. The SAME Elitism, that when Hillary DESTROYS Obama by 40 POINTS, in W. Virginia, calls an ENTIRE STATE "a bunch of Racists".
We, as Americans, have SEEN this Elite Liberalism, from Hollywood, Washington, New York, Los Angeles, and spreading to ALL Liberal bastions. It is just ANOTHER reason people like Gore, Kerry, Edwards, Obama, Mondale, McGovern, and many others will ALWAYS be footnotes in history, ALWAYS LOSERS, to American Values/Conservatism.
Thank You.
Hey, I almost forgot! Didja see how DEFENSIVE Obama got, when Bush called him a naive dummy, thinking Terrorists will "play nice", just because HE is Elite Barack Obama, the AntiChrist? He better start checking his scalp for "666", and taking BATHS in Holy Water! And go to a REAL church, and Beg the Lord's Forgiveness!
As the resident socialist let me help you out and tell what I enjoy .. the mindboggling ignorance of people just like you.

I love it.

I enjoy watching you shrink.

I love it.

I enjoy skimming through your ridiculous thoughts .. which has to be skimmed through because they're written in a way that exposes you have never seen the inside of an institution of higher learning.

I love that.

I bask in the knowledge that you're an unintelligent man. You simply don't measure up. Your unordered ramblings are written like a fool and why would anyone actually pay attention to a fool. Ever wonder why your threads don't attract much attention? Why most of the posts in them are you?

I love that.

Personally, I would be ashamed as hell to write in such a clownish manner as you do. Any idea why you aren't?

"suckratease" .. damn, how fucking old are you?

I enjoy your ignorance.

Smells like victory.
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As the resident socialist let me help you out and tell what I enjoy .. the mindboggling ignorance of people just like you.

I love it.

I enjoy watching you shrink.

I love it.

I enjoy skimming through your ridiculous thoughts .. which has to be skimmed through because they're written in a way that exposes you have never seen the inside of an institution of higher learning.

I love that.

I bask in the knowledge that you're an unintelligent man. You simply don't measure up. Your unordered ramblings are written like a fool and why would anyone actually pay attention to a fool. Ever wonder why your threads don't attract much attention? Why most of the posts in them are you?

I love that.

Personally, I would be ashamed as hell to write in such a clownish manner as you do. Any idea why you aren't?

"suckratease" .. damn, how fucking old are you?

I enjoy your ignorance.

Smells like victory.

Wow...that was entertaining...!....
Brings back memories of my middle school years, so long ago...the taunting, the teasing and other childish rants we yelled at each other....
My Dad can lick you na na na na....!
You're Mama so dumb, even she thunk da stork brung you...

Do carry on....:cof1:
Wow...that was entertaining...!....
Brings back memories of my middle school years, so long ago...the taunting, the teasing and other childish rants we yelled at each other....
My Dad can lick you na na na na....!
You're Mama so dumb, even she thunk da stork brung you...

Do carry on....:cof1:

I love your comments too. :)
And I know what really gets to rightist/facists! Offer something different. They hate anything that sounds or looks different from them.