Wow! VD Hanson Channeling BAC & Darla


Not So Junior Member
I was just reading some posts here a bit ago, then went to look around the Corner, what do I find?

Is it 2008-or 1984? [Victor Davis Hanson]
We should all let President-elect Obama have some honeymoon time, but that said, so far the sudden cessation in 'hope and change' that became part of the American mindset for two years is surreal, and one of the most remarkable developments in recent American political history. Obama's Clintonite appointments, his reliance on those well-known DC fixtures credentialed by Ivy League Law Schools, and his apparent backtracking on radical tax hikes on the "wealthy", instantaneous shut-down of Gitmo, prompt withdrawal from Iraq, and repeal of anti-terror legislation seem to have delighted conservatives, relieved that the Daily Kos and Huffington Post are not calling the shots. But two minor points, it is still November, not late January. So no one knows anything yet and we should suspend judgement, despite the FDR and Lincoln daily comparisons.

Second, if we should see in January that the government really does not want to evict Khalid Sheik Mohammed & co. from Guantanamo, and does want to stay in Iraq until 2011 to finish up, and does want to let the present tax code ride for a bit, and does want to leave most Bush-enacted homeland security measures in place, then Obama has not merely embarrassed his hard-left base, but has terribly humiliated the media as well.

For years now we have been preached to that Guantanamo is a gulag where Korans are stomped and flushed (not laptops provided to the chief architect of 9/11), that we waged a foolhardy, amoral, and hopelessly 'lost' war against the Iraqi people, that the rich plundered the economy on the backs of the poor, and that the Constitution was burned so that covert agencies could play James Bond. I could go on, but you get the picture.

Given all that, are we now suddenly—in 1984-fashion—around late January either to be told all that was not quite so, or will we simply hear no more about how these Bush legacies have ruined America—or what exactly is the party line to be? There is still such a thing, after all, as Google...
radical tax hikes on the "wealthy"

What radical tax hikes would you be talking about?

Do you mean the massive, unprecedented 5% hike on the, apparently unwealthy [according to you], people making a trivial 250k a year?
I was just reading some posts here a bit ago, then went to look around the Corner, what do I find?

The seperation between the left and center/right side of the Democratic Party is not unprecedented. In Fact, it happens all the time. All one has to do is look at the track record of the DLC. Other than Clinton, it's full of failures .. and it led democrats to embarrassing failures in 2000, 2002, and 2004. The victories in 2006 happened because MoveOn and the antiwar faction abandoned the DLC.

Bill Clinton, the centrist guru and father of the DLC couldn't even hold onto congress during his administration.

Getting our troops out of Iraq, universal healthcare, and regulation of the banking industry are ideas and demands that came from the left, not the center.

Democrats talk left .. then run to the center .. and lose.